16 Below

0 reviews
3b Whitehall Road


  • Small Tub 200ml

  • Medium Tub 350ml

  • Large Tub 450ml



  • C is for Cookie 500ml

    Cookie Ice Cream, Crushed Homemade Cookies, Salted Caramel Sauce, Fresh Cream and Chocolate Chips.
  • S'More Money S'More Problems Sundae 500ml

    Cookies and cream ice cream, traditional ice cream, cookie chunks, chocolate chips and Caramel sauce with whipped cream and toasted mallows
  • Kinder Surprise Sundae 500ml

    White chocolate ice cream, brownie and chocolate ice cream, bueno sauce and kinder pieces complete with whipped cream and kinder bar
  • Biscoff Sundae 500ml

    Biscoff and Traditional vanilla ice cream, biscoff sauce and biscoff crumb with Whip cream and of course, more biscoff
  • Build Your Own Sundae 500ml

    Choose 2 Ice Cream Flavours, 1 Sauce Flavour, Two Toppings and Finish with Whipped Cream

Handmade Cookie Pies

  • Loaded handmade Cookie Pie

  • Solo Handmade Cookie Pie



  • Protein Builder 500ml

    Whippy And Chocolate Brownie ice cream and 30g of Chocolate Protein topped with Cream
  • Eat More Milk Shake 500ml

    White Chocolate ice cream and crushed milky bar with fresh cream and white chocolate sauce
  • Bru Boi 500ml

    Whippy Ice Cream, Irn Bru topped with Fresh Cream Bru Sauce and Irn Bru Sweets
  • Matcha Green Tea Shake 500ml

    Whippy Ice cream, matcha powder and vanilla with fresh cream and crushed flake
  • Build Your Own Shake 500ml

    Choose 2 Scoops of Ice Cream from the Cabinet, 1 Sauce and top with Fresh Cream

Pup Treats

  • Jude's Doggy Ice Cream 350ml

  • Pup and Mix 350ml

  • Bottom Sniffer Dog Beer 350ml

  • Posh Pooch Dog Wine 350ml

  • Puppuccino 350ml


Hot Chocolates

  • The 16 Hot Chocolate 12oz

    Our Hot Chocolate mix handmade from real chocolate topped with Fresh Cream and Marshmallows.
  • White Beuno Hot Chocolate 12oz

    Our White Hot Chocolate mix handmade from real chocolate, Beuno Sauce and topped with Fresh Cream and Beuno Pieces
  • Biscoff Hot Chocolate 12oz

    Real milk chocolate, Steamed with milk Biscoff sauce and topped with Biscoff

Chocolate Bar Shakes

  • Milkyway Shake 120z

    Milkyway chocolate bar mixed with traditional mackies Ice cream and Blended with milk. Topped with fresh cream and more chocolate bar.
  • Bounty Shake 12oz

    Bounty chocolate bar mixed with traditional mackies Ice cream and Blended with milk. Topped with fresh cream and more chocolate bar.
  • Gold Bar Shake 12oz

    Gold Bar chocolate bar mixed with traditional mackies Ice cream and Blended with milk. Topped with fresh cream and more chocolate bar.
  • Kinder Bar Shake 12oz

    Kinder chocolate bar mixed with traditional mackies Ice cream and Blended with milk. Topped with fresh cream and more chocolate bar.
  • Flake - Shake 12oz

    Flake chocolate bar mixed with traditional mackies Ice cream and Blended with milk. Topped with fresh cream and more chocolate bar.
  • Snickers Shake 12oz

    Snickers chocolate bar mixed with traditional mackies Ice cream and Blended with milk. Topped with fresh cream and more chocolate bar.
  • Areo Shake 12oz

    Mint Aero chocolate bar mixed with traditional mackies Ice cream and Blended with milk. Topped with fresh cream and more chocolate bar.
  • Beuno Shake 12oz

    Kinder Beuno chocolate bar mixed with traditional mackies Ice cream and Blended with milk. Topped with fresh cream and more chocolate bar.


Saturday 30 September 2023
Wednesday 10 May 2023
Fabulous as always. Butterscotch is a winner!

A little bit about us

Are you one of those people who prefer desserts to starters? Then 16 Below is the ideal choice for you, as they offer a vast array of desserts on their menu. Go on treat yourself. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at www.just-eat.co.uk

Pickup times

Closed for pickup
Closed for pickup
Closed for pickup
15:30 - 21:30
15:30 - 21:30
13:30 - 21:30
13:30 - 21:30