Arabesque Grill

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Party Platter

  • Wings Platter 40pcs

  • Sheekh Kebab Platter 20pcs


Singapore Rice

  • Chicken Rice

  • Lamb Rice

  • Jumbo Shrimp Rice


Wraps and Paninis

  • Peri Peri Chicken

  • Classic Chicken Zinger

  • Chicken Sheesh

  • Veggie



  • Mix Grill Platter

    Grill chops, lamb tikka, chicken tilka, chicken wings, sheesh kebab served with fried onions, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, salad and choice of rice or fries
  • Grilled Chops Platter

    4pcs of juicy chargrilled chops marinated with chefs special spices served with fried onions, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, fresh salad and choice of rice or fries
  • Tikka Platter

    Choice of chicken or meat, marinated with chefs special spices served with fried onions, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, fresh salad and choice of rice or fries
  • Wings Platter

    6 pcs of chargrilled wings, marinated with choice of flavors, served with fried onions, cherry tomatoes, salad and choice of rice or fries
  • Sheesh Kebab Platter

    4pcs of chickeri sheesh kebab, marinated with chefs special spices served with fried onions, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, fresh salad and choice of rice or fries


  • Chicken Biryani

  • Lamb Biryani


Soft Drinks

  • Diet Coke 330ml

  • Fanta 330ml

  • Sprite 330ml

  • J20 275ml

  • Red Bull Can 250ml

  • Cranberry Mixer 330ml

  • Sparkling Water 500ml

  • Pineapple Juice 275 ml

  • Champagne Bottle 750ml

    Non alcoholic comes with sparkler


  • Virgin Mojito 354ml

    A lively salsa with heady rhythms of lime, mint and cane sugar
  • Blue Lagoon 354ml

    Ride the ocean waves with splashes of pineapple, ginger, cactus and lemon.
  • Pina Colada 354ml

    There a party of flavours going on here with celebration of coconut, vanilla, cream and pineapple.
  • Sand Island 354ml

    Float away to a heavenly idyll of mango, passion fruit, papaya and orange.
  • Passion Tropic 354ml

    Abandon yourself to the exotic pleasures of lush strawberry, peach and pineapple.
  • Magic Amazon 354ml

    Drift along on an enchanting river of kiwi, aloe vera, green apple, banana and orange


  • Ferrero Rocher 354ml

  • Jammie Dodger 354ml

  • Oreo 354ml

  • Kinder Bueno 354ml

  • Snickers 354ml



  • Fries

  • Cheesy Fries

  • Peri Peri Fries

  • Potato Wedges

  • Fried Rice

  • Egg Fried Rice

  • Garlic and Coriander Naan Bread

  • Popcorn Chicken

  • Mixed Olives

  • Hummus and Mixed Olives with Pitta Bread

  • Nachos

    Salted nachos with mexican salsa, cheese and jalapenos
  • Chicken and Cheese Fries

    Succulent zinger chicken strips and fries topped with cheese sauce and jalapenos
  • Grilled Chicken Salad

    Chargrilled chicken strips with crispy mixed leaf lettuce, juicy cherry tomatoes, cucumber, sweet corn, crunchy carrots and red onions
  • Fresh Fruit Platter



Friday 31 March 2023
Was missing lamb chops and was almost 2 hours since I placed order not acceptable.

A little bit about us

Using everyone's favourite app, order a takeaway from Arabesque Grill and online partners JUST EAT will deliver. Then sit down, relax and enjoy your night in without the hassle of having to cook. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

16:00 - 00:00
16:00 - 00:00
16:00 - 00:00
16:00 - 00:00
16:00 - 00:00
16:00 - 00:00
16:00 - 00:00