Ariston Hellenic Eatery

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Fresh Juices

  • Mandarin-Apple-Carrot-Ginger 250ml

  • Beetroot-Apple-Carrot 250ml



  • Ariston 250ml

    Berries-yogurt-milk-greek honey
  • Nectar 250ml

    Mango-banana-turmeric- oat milk

Brunch Savoury

  • Greek Omelette

    Oven baked omelette with florina peppers, mushrooms and feta cheese Contains: Gluten, Milk, Eggs
  • Salmon Peinirli

    A boat shaped pizza bread filled with graviera cheese, topped with salmon and a free range egg
  • Spinach Pie with Quinoa

    Spanakopita with a twist made with spinach ,eggs, greek herbs and feta on quinoa

Brunch Sweet

  • Greek Yogurt

    Greek yogurt with seasonal berries ,walnuts, raw greek honey and cinnamon Contains: Eggs, Sulphur Dioxide/Sulphites, Milk
  • Tsoureki Avgofeta

    Baked brioche bread soaked in egg, with apple and cranberry compote, creme fraise and topped with toasted almonds Contains: Gluten
  • Waffle

    Wafle topped with fresh berries and greek honey


  • Bougatsa

    A classic greek pastry with golden crisp phyllo filled with a delicious creamy custard Contains: Milk, Gluten, Eggs, Lupin, Soybeans, Sesame
  • Tiropita(Cheese Phylo Pastry)

    Classic greek pastry with golden crisp phyllo filled with greek cheeses
  • Graviera Croissant

    Freshly baked croissant filled with graviera cheese


  • Greek Ceasar

    Chicken breast coated with spiced greek yogurt, cos lettuce, kefalograviera cheese, croutons, turkey crispy bacon, mixed with ceasar dressing
  • Horiatiki (Greek Salad)

    Tomatoes, cucumber, onions ,capers , olives and feta with extra virgin olive oil Contains: No known allergens.


  • Koulouri

    Contains: Sesame, Gluten
  • Sourdough Bread

    Contains: Gluten
  • Sliced Avocado

  • Soft Boiled Eggs

  • Tomato Scrambled Eggs

  • Smoked Turkey Bacon

  • Slow Roast Plum Tomatoes

  • Portobello Mushrooms



  • Espresso 40ml

    from £3.00
  • Machiato 350ml

    from £3.20
  • Latte 350ml

    from £3.50
  • Flat White 350ml

    from £3.40
  • Cortado 350ml

    from £3.20

Iced Coffees

  • Freddo Espresso 354ml

    from £3.30
  • Freddo Cappuccino 354ml

    from £3.50
  • Iced Mocha 354ml

    from £4.00
  • Iced Americano 354ml

    from £3.20


  • Matcha Tea 354ml

    from £3.70
  • Matcha Tea Latte 354ml

    from £4.00
  • Iced Matcha Tea Latte 354ml

    from £4.20


  • Iced Chai Latte 354ml


Chocolate 354ml

  • Chocolate 354ml

    33% cacao


  • English Breakfast Tea 354ML

    from £3.20
  • Green Tea 354ml

    from £3.20
  • Hibiscus Herbal Tea 354ml

    from £3.20
  • Organic Mountain Tea 354ml

  • Organic Chamomile 354ml

  • Lemongrass Herbal Tea 354ml

  • Peppermint 354ml


Soft Drinks

  • 3 Cents Grapefruit Soda 330ml

  • Epsa Lemonade 330ml

  • Epsa Orangeade 330ml

  • Coca Cola 330ml

  • Diet Coke 330ml

  • Zagori Sparkling 750ml



A little bit about us

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Ariston Hellenic Eatery can set you up with appetising, nutritious food delivered right to your door, it couldn't be easier to start off right. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

All dishes may contain traces of the following allergens: Gluten, Crustaceans, Eggs, Fish, Peanuts, Soybeans, Milk, Nuts (e.g. almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, macadamia nuts), Celery, Mustard, Sesame, Sulphur dioxide/sulphites, Lupin, Molluscs.
For any questions regarding the allergen contents of specific dishes please contact the restaurant directly.

Delivery times

09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00