Bene Café

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Coffee Drinks

  • Latte Regular 341ml

    from £3.80
  • Flat White 227ml

    from £3.80
  • Cappuccino Regular 236ml

    from £3.80
  • Cappuccino Large 341ml

    from £4.10
  • Cappuccino Extra Large 455ml

    from £4.80
  • Mocha 455ml


Soft Drinks

  • Fanta Orange 500ml

    Sparkling Orange Fruit Drink with Sugar and Sweeteners
  • Fruice Fruit Juice 330ml


Iced Drinks

  • Iced Americano 592ml

    from £4.20
    Double shot with ice
  • Iced Latte 592ml

    from £4.60
    Iced latte in 20 OZ cup
  • Chocolate and Hazelnut Iced Latte 592ml

    from £4.90


  • Vanilla Milkshake 592ml

    Made with vanilla ice cream, served with whipped cream. 20 OZ


  • Scrambled Eggs

    Eggs scrambled, served with toast
  • Scrambled Egg with Cheese

    Scrambled eggs with melted cheese and butter, served with toast
  • Bacon and Sausage Bap

    Fried bacon, fried sausages in homemade bap
  • Croissant with Jam and Butter

    Croissant with a small butter and jam
  • Bacon Bap

    Fried bacon, choice of sauce in homemade bap
  • Full Breakfast

    Two eggs, two sausages, bacon, baked beans with a bap or toast

Sandwiches and Baps

  • BLT

    Bacon, lettuce, tomato, choice of sauce in large homemade bap or sandwich bread
  • Create Your Own

    Add 2 types of meat, cheese, 3 types of veggies, any sauce in homemade bun
  • Beefy

    Peppered pastrami, cheddar cheese, tomato, lettuce, onion, choice of sauce in large homemade bap or sandwich bread
  • Veggie Gold

    Cream cheese, avocado, tomato, choice of sauce in homemade bap or sandwich bread
  • Ham and Cheese

    Ham, cheddar cheese, butter, choice of sauce in a large homemade bap or sandwich bread
  • Bap and Butter

  • Bacon and Cheese

    Bacon, cheddar cheese, choice of sauce in large homemade bap or sandwich bread
  • Meat Deluxe Bap

    Bacon, chicken, ham, chorizo, salami, pastrami, choice of sauce in big homemade bap
  • Veggie

    Cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, pepper, onion, choice of sauce in homemade bap or sandwich bread
  • Vegan

    Vegan cheese, avocado, tomato, cucumber, onion, vegan mayo in homemade bun


  • Hamburger

    Beef, tomato, red onion, lettuce, cucumber, choice of sauce in homemade bap
  • Bacon Feast Burger

    Beef, bacon, tomato, red onion, lettuce, cucumber, choice of sauce in homemade bap
  • Smokey BBQ Burger

    Beef, bacon, smoked cheese, roasted pepper, onion, lettuce, bbq sauce in homemade bun


  • Firecracker Wrap

    Beef, chorizo, mexican spicy cheese, onion, tomato, jalapeños, chipotle mayo
  • Sweet Chili Chicken Wrap

    Chicken, lettuce, tomato, pepper, onion, sweet chili sauce
  • Ham and cheese

    Ham, cheese, lettuce

Toasties and Melts

  • Ham and Cheese Toastie

    Toasted bread or bap with gooey melted cheese and ham
  • Salami and Cheese Toastie

    Toasted bread or bap with gooey melted cheese and salami.
  • Chicken and Cheese Toastie

    Toasted bread or bap with gooey melted cheese and chicken
  • Meateater Toastie

    Toasted bread or bap with gooey melted cheese, ham, salami, chorizo, bacon, beef and chicken.


  • Ham Salad

    Lettuce, tomato, pepper, cucumber, onion, ham and choice of sauce.
  • Tuna Salad

    Lettuce, tomato, pepper, cucumber, onion, sweetcorn, tuna and choice of sauce.


  • Ukrainian Borsch

    Pork meat, carrots, parsnip, potatoes, cabbage, beetroot. Comes with homemade bap or focaccia.
  • Hungarian Goulash Soup

    Pork meat, carrots, parsnips, potatoes. Comes with homemade bap or focaccia

Baked Goods

  • Honey Ginger Cookies

    Homemade, sugar coated honey-ginger cookies
  • Cinnamon Roll

    Homemade cinnamon roll
  • Cheese Scones

    Savory, cheesy scones
  • Focaccia



  • Apple Pie

    Small slice of apple pie with cinnamon Contains: Eggs, Gluten
  • Napoleon Slice

    Pastry sheets filled with thick, creamy custard cream
  • Brownie

    A slice of fudgy dark chocolate brownie Contains: Eggs, gluten, milk

Lunch Combos

  • Soup and Sandwich



A little bit about us

Who doesn't love good cafe food? And why does it always taste better when someone else cooks? The people at Bene Café work hard to cook and deliver delicious food - fast. A hot meal or custom-made sandwich directly to your door via online with JUST EAT sounds like a plan. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
Closed for delivery