Boba and Beyond

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  • B.O.G.O.F Bubble Tea
  • Limited Listing
  • Bubble Tea Flavours
  • Milk Tea
  • Mojitos
  • Iced Tea
  • Fruity Lemonades
  • Frozen Bubble Blasts Fruit Slushy
  • Hot Drinks
  • Coffee Blend
  • Milkshakes
  • Cake Shakes
  • Frappe/Latte
  • Smoothies
  • Boba and Beyond's Mixes
  • Milk Teas
  • Fruit x Milkshakes
  • Premium Milkshakes
  • Sundaes
  • Bubble Waffle
  • Chocolate Bubble Waffle
  • Cinnamon Bubble Waffle
  • 30 Pieces Bubble Waffle Bites
  • 60 Bubble Waffle Bites
  • Cakes
  • Baklava
  • Sugar Free Drinks Range- Bubble Tea
  • Lemonades (Sugar Free)
  • Coffee
  • Kids
  • Soft Drinks
  • Limited Edition
  • Ice Cream 4oz
  • Jelly Pots
  • Popping Boba Pots

B.O.G.O.F Bubble Tea

  • Buy 1 get 1 free

    Blackcurrant Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with blackcurrant puree.

    from £3.99

  • Buy 1 get 1 free

    Raspberry Fruit Tea 500ml

    A freshly brewed tea blended with Raspberry purée

    from £3.99

Limited Listing

  • Fruit Punch 500ml

    Taste the exotic flavours of the Caribbean with this mouth watering fruit punch.


  • Tropical 500ml

    Taste the tropical flavour that will transport you to the exotic islands of the Caribbean.


  • Kola 500ml

    Its not your normal kola we bring to you our special range of this great tasting drink its refreshing full of flavour throughout make your taste buds do cart wheels.


  • Tiramisu Milk Tea 500ml

    Bringing you the taste of an italian desert in a cup comes with tapioca and premium blended milk.

    from £5.90

  • Pistachio milk tea 500ml

    Pistachio flavoured milk tea with pistachio facing comes with tapioca and our premium milk.

    from £6.49

  • Candy Floss Popping Candy 500ml

    Delicious lemonade immersed in one of the best candy floss flavors available. Topped with A mouth watering fully flavorful popping candy please choose A topping otherwise the drink will come without any.


  • Blueberry Cheesecake 500ml

    Blueberry cheesecake flavour milk with cookie crumbs and comes with tapioca with our premium flavoured creamy milk


  • Karak Chai Milk Tea 500ml

    Bringing you the finest tasting karak chai milk tea comes with tapioca topped with chocolate facing.


  • Candy Floss Milk Tea 500ml

    Premium candy floss flavour milk tea comes with tapioca


Bubble Tea Flavours

  • Winter Melon Fruit Tea 500ml

    Choice of freshly brewed tea with winter melon puree.

    from £3.99

  • Purple Grape Fruit Tea 500ml

    from £3.99

  • Lychee Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with lychee puree.

    from £3.99

  • Mango Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with mango puree.

    from £3.99

  • Pineapple Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with pineapple puree.

    from £3.99

  • Blackcurrant Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with blackcurrant puree.

    from £3.99

  • Watermelon Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with watermelon puree

    from £3.99

  • Melon Fruit Tea 500ml

    A freshly brewed tea blended with Melon puree

    from £3.99

  • Pomegranate Fruit Tea 500ml

    A freshly brewed tea blended with pomegranate fruit puree

    from £3.99

  • Blueberry Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with blueberry puree.

    from £3.99

  • Kiwi Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with kiwi puree.

    from £3.99

  • Raspberry Fruit Tea 500ml

    A freshly brewed tea blended with Raspberry purée

    from £3.99

Milk Tea

  • Brown Sugar Milk Tea 500ml

    from £4.50

  • Brown Sugar X Lotus Biscoff Milk Tea 500ml

    from £5.90

  • Brown Sugar Crème brûlée

    from £5.90

  • Ube Taro Milk Tea 500ml

    from £4.50

  • Winter Melon Milk Tea 500ml

    Choice of tea and winter melon puree with milk comes with tapioca.

    from £4.50

  • Caramel Brown Sugar Milk Tea 500ml

    from £5.90

  • Vanilla Brown Sugar Milk Tea 500ml

    from £5.90

  • Lotus Biscoff Milk Tea 500ml

    from £5.70

  • Premium Brown Sugar Milk Tea 500ml

    Brown sugar syrup with fresh milk, indulgent cream and choice of tea, includes dark boba

    from £5.00

  • Vanilla Milk Tea 500ml

    Vanilla syrup with fresh milk and choice of tea, includes dark boba

    from £4.50

  • Beyond Brown Sugar Milk Tea 500ml

    Brown sugar syrup with fresh milk, indulgent cream and choice of tea, includes dark boba and topped with cream cheese foam

    from £5.50

  • Strawberry Milk Tea 500ml

    Choice of tea with strawberry puree, milk, includes dark boba

    from £4.50

  • Pina Colada Tea 500ml

    Choice of tea, pineapple juice with coconut milk and cream, includes dark boba

    from £4.50

  • Coconut Milk Tea 500ml

    Vegan Choice of tea with coconut syrup, coconut milk and includes dark boba

    from £4.50

  • Coconut And Strawberry Milk Tea

    Coconut and strawberry milk tea comes with tapioca and our premium flavoured milk



  • Red Bull Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint and red bull.


  • Strawberry Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and strawberry puree


  • Blue Citrus Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and blue curacao syrup


  • Red Bull and Strawberry Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, red bull and strawberry puree


  • Lychee Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and lychee puree


  • Mango and Passion Fruit Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade mango and passion fruit puree


  • Melon Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and melon puree


  • Pomegranate Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and pomegranate puree


  • Apple Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and apple puree


  • Peach and Lychee Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and peach and lychee puree.


  • Peach Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and peach puree


  • Strawberry and Watermelon Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and strawberry and watermelon puree.


  • Strawberry Lychee Mojito (500ml)

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lychee and strawberry puree.


  • Apple and Blackcurrant Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and apple and blackcurrant puree


  • Watermelon Mojito 500ml

    A mocktail mixed with lime, mint, lemonade and watermelon puree.


  • Purple Grape Mojito 500ml


  • Grapefruit Mojito 500ml


Iced Tea

  • Peach Ice Tea 500ml

    Freshly brewed tea with A choice of flavours to choose from. Drink will come without any toppings. Please add toppings to your drink otherwise drinks will come with out any.


  • Lemon Ice Tea 500ml

    Freshly brewed tea with A choice of flavours to choose from. Drink will come without any toppings. Please add toppings to your drink otherwise drinks will come with out any.


  • Pineapple Ice Tea

    Freshly brewed tea with A choice of flavours to choose from. Drink will come without any toppings. Please add toppings to your drink otherwise drinks will come with out any.


  • Mango Ice Tea

    Freshly brewed tea with A choice of flavours to choose from. Drink will come without any toppings. Please add toppings to your drink otherwise drinks will come with out any.


  • Passion Fruit Ice Tea

    Freshly brewed tea with A choice of flavours to choose from. Drink will come without any toppings. Please add toppings to your drink otherwise drinks will come with out any.


  • Apple Ice Tea

    Freshly brewed tea with A choice of flavours to choose from. Drink will come without any toppings. Please add toppings to your drink otherwise drinks will come with out any.


  • Coconut Iced Tea

    Freshly brewed tea with A choice of flavours to choose from. Drink will come without any toppings. Please add toppings to your drink otherwise drinks will come with out any.


  • Lychee Ice Tea

    Freshly brewed tea with A choice of flavours to choose from. Drink will come without any toppings. Please add toppings to your drink otherwise drinks will come with out any.


Fruity Lemonades

  • Strawberry Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Lemonade immersed with strawberry puree.

    from £3.99

  • Popping Candy Floss Lemonade 500ml

    Candy floss flavour lemonade with real popping candy. Full of explosions in your mouth.

    from £5.49

  • Peach Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Lemonade immersed with peach puree.

    from £3.99

  • Boba On The Beach Lemonade 500ml

    Peach and strawberry flavoured drink with lemonade.

    from £4.69

  • Mango and Strawberry Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Refreshing lemonade with mango and strawberry syrup

    from £3.99

  • Strawberry Lychee Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Lemonade immersed with strawberry and lychee puree

    from £3.99

  • Mango and Passion Fruit Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Lemonade immersed with mango and passion fruit puree

    from £3.99

  • Blueberry Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Lemonade immersed with blueberry puree

    from £3.99

  • Coconut and Pineapple Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Lemonade immersed with coconut puree

    from £3.99

  • Kiwi Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Lemonade immersed with kiwi puree

    from £3.99

  • Watermelon Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Lemonade immersed with watermelon puree

    from £3.99

  • Melon Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Lemonade immersed with melon puree

    from £3.99

  • Pomegranate Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Refreshing lemonade with Pom syrup

    from £3.75

  • Pomegranate and Strawberry Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Refreshing lemonade with pomegranate and Strawberry syrup

    from £3.99

  • Strawberry and Watermelon Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Refreshing lemonade with strawberry and watermelon syrup

    from £3.99

  • Grape Lemonade 500ml

    Purple grape flavoured lemonade with fresh lemon

    from £3.99

  • Grapefruit Lemonade 500ml

    Grapefruit, flavoured lemonade, with fresh lemons

    from £3.99

  • Strawberry and Kiwi Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Refreshing lemonade with Strawberry and Kiwi syrup

    from £3.99

  • Peach and Strawberry Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Refreshing lemonade with Strawberry and Peach syrup

    from £3.99

  • Apple and Peach Fruity Lemonade 500ml

    Refreshing lemonade with Apple and Peach syrup

    from £3.99

  • Passion Fruit and Pineapple Frozen Lemonade 500ml

    Lemonade blended with Passion-fruit, Pineapple syrup and ice. Strawberry syrup around the cup for a hint of sweetness. If you're looking for a sweet and slight sour drink, look no further. This one's mouth watering

    from £4.49

Frozen Bubble Blasts Fruit Slushy

  • Passion Fruit Slush 500ml


  • Blueberry Slush 500ml


  • Mango Slush 500ml


  • Strawberry Slush 500ml


  • Watermelon Slush 500ml


  • Green Apple Slush 500ml


  • Peach Slush 500ml


  • Raspberry Slush 500ml


  • Coconut Slush 500ml


  • Kiwi Slush 500ml


Hot Drinks

  • Brown Sugar X Lotus Biscoff Milk Tea 500ml

    from £5.90

  • Brown Sugar X Oreo Milk Tea 500ml

    from £5.90

  • Oreo Milk Tea 500ml

    from £5.70

Coffee Blend

  • Brown Sugar Iced Latte 500ml

    Espresso latte with brown sugar syrup chilled over ice, includes dark boba

    from £4.50

  • Matcha Latte 500ml

    Matcha syrup with a shot of espresso, foamed milk, unique homemade milk syrup and includes dark boba

    from £5.00

  • Boba Iced Vanilla Latte 500ml

    Espresso latte and vanilla syrup chilled over ice, includes dark boba

    from £4.50

  • Iced Vanilla Latte 500ml

    Coffee based iced latte with vanilla syrup and additional vanilla creamer.

    from £3.95

  • Iced Chai Latte 500ml

    Espresso latte infused with chain masala served chilled over ice

    from £4.50

  • Boba Iced Latte 500ml

    Espresso latte chilled over ice, includes dark boba

    from £4.50

  • Iced Latte 500ml

    Espresso latte served chilled with ice

    from £3.95


  • Oreo Shake 500ml

    Thick milkshake blended with Oreo cookies and vanilla ice cream.

    from £6.50

  • Brown Sugar Milkshake 500ml

    Thick milkshake blended with brown sugar syrup, vanilla ice cream and includes dark tapioca.

    from £5.50

  • Hershey’s Strawberries and Cream Shake 500ml

    Thick milkshake blended with Hershey’s strawberries and cream chocolate bar and vanilla ice cream.

    from £5.50

  • Ferrero Rocher Milkshake 500ml

    Thick milkshake blended with Ferrero Rocher chocolate bar and vanilla ice cream.

    from £6.50

  • Lotus Biscoff Milkshake 500ml

    Thick milkshake blended with Lotus Biscoff biscuits and vanilla ice cream.

    from £5.50

  • Nutella and Peanut Butter Shake 500ml

    Thick milkshake blended with Nutella, crunchy peanut butter and vanilla ice cream.

    from £5.50

  • Salted Caramel Shake 500ml

    Thick milkshake blended with salted caramel sauce and salted caramel ice cream.

    from £5.50

  • Aero Peppermint Shake 500ml


Cake Shakes

  • NY Cheesecake Cake Shake 500ml

    Thick milkshake blended with NY cheesecake, milk and vanilla ice cream.

    from £5.95

  • Chocolate Fudge Cake Shake 500ml

    Thick milkshake blended with milk malai cake, milk and chocolate ice cream.

    from £5.95


  • Caramel Frappe 500ml

    Caramel frappe with coffee and caramel sauce topped with whipped cream

    from £5.49

  • Vanilla Frappe 500ml

    Vanilla flavour frappe with coffee and choose a blend of your choice

    from £5.49

  • Lotus Frappe 500ml

    Lotus biscoff frappe with coffee and choice of blends you can choose

    from £5.95

  • Oreo Frappe 500ml

    Oreo frappe with coffee and choose toppings of your choice.

    from £5.95

  • Snickers Latte 500ml

    Snickers blended with coffee and premium flavoured milk


  • Oreo Latte 500ml

    Oreo blended with coffee and premium flavoured milk please add your toppings as they do not come with any toppings.


  • Mars Latte 500ml

    Mars blended with coffee and premium flavoured milk please add your toppings as the drinks do not come with any toppings


  • Kinder Bueno Latte

    Kinder blended with coffee and premium flavoured milk please add toppings to the drinks as they do not come with any.



  • Mango Smoothie 500ml

    Delicious yoghurt blended with fresh mango


  • Strawberry Smoothie 500ml

    Delicious yoghurt blended with fresh strawberries


  • Kiwi Smoothie 500ml

    Delicious vegan yoghurt blended with fresh kiwi


Boba and Beyond's Mixes

  • Peach and Lychee Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of freshly brewed tea with peach and lychee fruit puree

    from £4.29

  • Lychee and Strawberry Fruit Tea 500ml

    A freshly brewed tea blended with lychee and strawberry puree

    from £4.29

  • Mango and Passion Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of freshly brewed tea with mango and passion fruit puree

    from £4.29

  • Passion Fruit and Pineapple Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of fresh tea infused with passionfruit and pineapple fruit puree

    from £4.29

  • Apple and Blackcurrant Fruit Tea 500ml

    A choice of fresh tea infused with apple and blackcurrant fruit puree

    from £4.29

  • Peach and Strawberry Fruit Tea 500ml

    A freshly brewed tea infused with peach and strawberry.

    from £4.29

  • Strawberry and Watermelon Fruit Tea 500ml

    A freshly brewed tea with strawberry and watermelon puree

    from £4.29

  • Apple and Lychee Fruit Tea 500ml

    A freshly brewed tea with apple and lychee puree

    from £4.29

Milk Teas

  • Brown Sugar Milk Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk and brown sugar syrup. A freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk. Comes with tapioca

    from £4.80

  • Taro Milk Tea 500ml

    Taro milk tea comes with tapioca

    from £4.95

  • Assam Black Milk Tea 500ml

    Freshly brewed assam black tea with fresh milk. Comes with tapioca

    from £4.50

  • Caramel Milk Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk and caramel syrup. A freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk. Comes with tapioca

    from £5.80

  • Mango Coconut Milk 500ml

    Great fusion of mango and coconut. Mango purée immersed with coconut milk. Comes with tapioca

    from £4.49

  • Chocolate Brown Sugar Milk Tea 500ml

    A freshly brewed tea infused with chocolate blended milk, brown sugar around the cup. Comes with tapioca.

    from £4.69

  • Strawberry Milk Tea 500ml

    A choice of our freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk and strawberry puree. A freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk. Comes with tapioca

    from £4.80

  • Caramel Milk 500ml

    Fresh milk blended with caramel syrup. A freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk. comes with tapioca

    from £4.50

  • Brown Sugar Cinnamon Milk Tea 500ml

    a choice of freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk, brown sugar and cinnamon. comes with tapioca balls

    from £4.95

  • Mango Milk 500ml

    Fresh milk blended with mango puree. A freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk. comes with tapioca

    from £4.50

  • Jasmin Milk Tea 500ml

    freshly brewed jasmine green tea with fresh milk. comes with tapioca

    from £4.50

  • Brown Sugar Galaxy Chocolate Milk Tea 500ml

    a choice of our freshly brewed tea with fresh milk blended with galaxy chocolate and brown sugar syrup. comes with tapioca

    from £5.69

  • Strawberry Milk 500ml

    Fresh milk blended with strawberry puree. A freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk. comes with tapioca

    from £4.50

  • Matcha Milk 500ml

    Fresh milk blended with matcha syrup. A freshly brewed tea blended with fresh milk. comes with tapioca

    from £4.50

  • Oolong Milk Tea 500ml

    Freshly brewed oolong tea with fresh milk. comes with tapioca

    from £4.50

  • Galaxy Chocolate Milk (no tea) 500ml

    fresh milk blended with galaxy chocolate. comes with tapioca

    from £5.49

Fruit x Milkshakes

  • Mango Shake 500ml

    Mango puree blended with fresh milk and vanilla ice cream

    from £4.99

  • Strawberry Shake 500ml

    Strawberry puree blended with fresh milk and vanilla ice cream

    from £4.99

  • Peach Shake 500ml

    Peach puree blended with fresh milk and vanilla ice cream

    from £4.99

  • Passion Fruit Shake 500ml

    Passion Fruit puree blended with fresh milk and vanilla ice cream

    from £4.99

  • Pineapple Shake 500ml

    Pineapple puree blended with fresh milk and vanilla ice cream

    from £4.99

  • Coconut Shake 500ml

    Coconut puree blended with fresh milk and vanilla ice cream

    from £4.99

Premium Milkshakes

  • Lindt Lindor Shake 500ml

    Premium chocolate sauce with lindt chocolates with premium vanilla ice cream


  • Aero peppermint shake 500ml

    Aero peppermint shake drizzled with chocolate sauce premium ice cream


  • Snickers Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.45

  • Bubblegum Milkshake 500ml

    from £6.95

  • Kinder Bueno Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.45

  • Kinder White Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.45

  • Peanut Butter and Nutella Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.65

  • Mars Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.45

  • Skittles Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.45

  • Brown Sugar Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.45

  • Chocolate Fudge Cake Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.95

  • Lotus Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.45

  • Peanut Butter Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.45

  • Pina-Colada Milkshake 500ml

    from £5.95


  • All-Star Strawberries and Cream Boba Sundae

    Premium vanilla and strawberry ice cream, strawberry syrup, whipped cream, strawberries boba and coconut jelly


  • All-Star Exotic Boba Sundae

    Premium vanilla, tropical syrup, whipped cream, coconut jelly, mango and passion fruit boba.


  • Bubblegum Sundae

    Premium bubblegum ice cream, bubblegum syrup, with fudge pieces and caramel chunks


  • Nutty Ferrero Sundae

    Premium chocolate ice cream, nuts, chocolate brownie pieces, chocolate whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and ferrero pieces.


  • The Chocoholic Sundae

    Premium ice cream, chocolate fudge brownie pieces with chocolate sauce


  • Salted Caramel Sundae

    Premium vanilla ice cream, chocolate fudge cake, salted caramel sauce and caramel pieces


  • Brown Sugar Sundae

    Indulge yourself in our brown sugar sundae made with creamy premium vanilla ice cream smothered in brown sugar syrup topped with our sweet tapioca balls


  • Lindt Lindor Chocolate Truffle Sundae


Bubble Waffle

  • 50/50 Bubble Waffle (Oreo & Lotus)

    Fresh bubble waffle made to perfection with a choice of 2 toppings on 1 waffle comes with premium ice cream vanilla Please note: our chocolate sauce contains nuts


  • Nutella Bubble Waffle

    Freshly made waffle with nutella sauce comes with our premium vanilla ice cream


  • Ferrero Rocher Bubble Waffle

    Ferrero pieces with freshly made bubble waffle comes with whipped cream and vanilla ice cream


  • Caramel Bubble Waffle

    Premium caramel sauce on freshly made bubble waffle.


  • Red Velvet Bubble Waffle

    Red velvet pieces with chocolate sauce and come with premium vanilla ice cream


  • Kinder Bueno Bubble Waffle

    Kinder pieces with fresh bubble waffle with chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream


  • Tapioca bubble waffle

    Freshly made bubble waffle with fresh brown sugar tapioca with our premium, vanilla, ice cream


  • Oreo bubble waffle

    Freshly made bubble waffle with Oreo, pieces and chocolate sauce comes with our premium, vanilla ice cream


Chocolate Bubble Waffle

  • Kinder Bueno Chocolate Bubble Waffle

    Kinder bueno pieces on A fresh chocolate bubble waffle comes with premium vanilla ice cream and whipped cream


  • Ferrero Rocher Chocolate Bubble Waffle

    Ferrero pieces on A fresh chocolate bubble waffle comes with premium vanilla ice cream and whipped cream


  • Snickers Chocolate Bubble Waffle

    Snickers pieces on A fresh chocolate bubble waffle comes with premium vanilla ice cream and whipped cream


  • Mars Chocolate Bubble Waffle

    Mars pieces on A fresh chocolate bubble waffle comes with premium vanilla ice cream and whipped cream


Cinnamon Bubble Waffle

  • Kinder Bueno Cinnamon Bubble Waffle

    Kinder pieces on A fresh cinnamon bubble waffle comes with premium vanilla ice cream and whipped cream


  • Ferrero Rocher Cinnamon Bubble Waffle

    Ferrero Pieces on A fresh cinnamon bubble waffle comes with premium vanilla ice cream and whipped cream


  • Oreo Cinnamon Bubble Waffle

    Oreo Pieces on A fresh cinnamon bubble waffle comes with premium vanilla ice cream and whipped cream


  • Lotus Biscoff Cinnamon Bubble Waffle

    Lotus Pieces on A fresh cinnamon bubble waffle comes with premium vanilla ice cream and whipped cream


30 Pieces Bubble Waffle Bites

  • Nutella Waffle Bites

    Fresh waffle bites with drizzle of nuttela sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream


  • Lotus Waffle Bites

    Bites size waffles with drizzled with lotus sauce and caramel sauce comes with vanilla ice cream.


60 Bubble Waffle Bites

  • 60 nutella waffle Bites

    60 nutella bubble waffle bites comes with 2 portion or premium ice cream


  • 60 lotus waffle Bites

    Lotus sauce and crumbs and come with 2 portions of premium vanilla ice cream


  • 60 Ferrero Waffle Bites

    Ferrero pieces with chocolate sauce comes with 2 portions of vanilla ice cream.



  • Vanilla Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake


  • Ferrero Rocher Cheesecake


  • Oreo Cheesecake


  • Chocolate Fudge Cake


  • Red Velvet Cheesecake


  • New York Style Cheesecake


  • Lemon Cheesecake

    Fresh lemon cheesecake topped with sweet drizzle of cream


  • Strawberry cheesecake

    Fresh strawberry cheesecake with sweet drizzle of cream



  • Baklava

    Freshly baked baklava comes with premium vanilla ice cream.


  • Oreo Baklava

    Freshly baked baklava comes with premium vanilla ice cream. Please note our chocolate sauce contains nuts


Sugar Free Drinks Range- Bubble Tea

  • Raspberry Fruit Tea (Sugar Free) 500ml

    A choice of a freshly brewed tea infused with sugar free raspberry syrup. ( Bobas and Jelly toppings are not sugar free)

    from £3.99

  • Mango Fruit Tea (Sugar Free) 500ml

    A choice of a freshly brewed tea infused with sugar free mango syrup. ( Bobas and Jelly toppings are not sugar free)

    from £3.99

  • Peach Fruit Tea (Sugar Free) 500ml

    A choice of a freshly brewed tea infused with sugar free peach syrup. ( Bobas and Jelly toppings are not sugar free)

    from £3.99

  • Strawberry Fruit Tea (Sugar Free) 500ml

    A choice of a freshly brewed tea infused with sugar free strawberry syrup. ( Bobas and Jelly toppings are not sugar free)

    from £3.99

  • Passion Fruit Tea (Sugar Free) 500ml

    A choice of a freshly brewed tea infused with sugar free passion fruit syrup. ( Bobas and Jelly toppings are not sugar free)

    from £3.99

Lemonades (Sugar Free)

  • Passion Fruit Lemonade (Sugar Free) 500ml

    sugar free lemonade with sugar free passion fruit syrup ( Bobas and Jelly toppings are not sugar free)

    from £4.09

  • Strawberry Lemonade (Sugar Free) 500ml

    sugar free lemonade with sugar free strawberry syrup ( Bobas and Jelly toppings are not sugar free)

    from £4.09

  • Mango Lemonade (Sugar Free) 500ml

    sugar free lemonade with sugar free mango syrup ( Bobas and Jelly toppings are not sugar free)

    from £4.09


  • Brown Sugar Ice Latte 500ml

    comes with tapioca

    from £4.49

  • Brown Sugar Ice Mocha 500ml

    Ice coffee blended chocolate, with brown sugar around the cup. Comes with tapioca

    from £4.49

  • Ice Latte 500ml

    comes with tapioca

    from £4.49

  • Vanilla Ice Latte 500ml

    comes with tapioca

    from £4.49

  • Strawberry Matcha Ice Latte 500ml

    ice latte blended with strawberry and matcha syrup topped with fresh milk. comes with tapioca

    from £4.49

  • Coconut Ice Latte 500ml

    ice latte blended with coconut syrup topped with fresh milk. comes with tapioca

    from £4.49

  • Strawberry Ice Latte 500ml

    ice latte blended with strawberry syrup topped with fresh milk. comes with tapioca

    from £4.49

  • Iced Mocha 500ml

    Ice coffee blended with chocolate, comes with tapioca

    from £4.19


  • Blackcurrant 500ml

    Blackcurrant syrup immersed with still water or lemonade and topped with apple jelly.


  • Strawberry 500ml

    Strawberry puree immersed with still water or lemonade and topped with strawberry jelly.


Soft Drinks

  • Coca Cola 330ml


  • Red Bull 250ml


  • Fanta Orange 330ml Can


Limited Edition

  • Strawberry Smoothie 500ml


  • Virgin Blue Lagoon 500ml


  • Mango Smoothie 500ml


Ice Cream 4oz

  • Chocolate Ice Cream


  • Bubblegum Ice Cream


  • Strawberry Ice Cream

    Vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce


  • Vanilla Ice Cream


Jelly Pots

  • Lychee Jelly 8oz

    8oz lychee jelly pot


  • Mango Jelly 8oz

    8oz mango jelly pot


  • Apple Jelly 8oz

    8oz apple jelly pot


  • Passion-Fruit Jelly 8oz

    8oz passion fruit jelly pot


  • Coconut Jelly 8oz

    8oz coconut jelly pot


  • Strawberry Jelly 8oz

    8oz strawberry jelly pot


  • Pineapple Jelly 8oz

    8oz pot


  • Honeydew Melon Jelly 8oz

    8oz melon jelly pot


Popping Boba Pots

  • Lychee Boba Pot

    8oz lychee popping boba pot


  • Passion Fruit Boba Pot 8oz

    8oz passion fruit popping boba pot


  • Strawberry Boba Pot 8oz

    8oz Strawberry popping boba pot


  • Apple Boba Pot 8oz

    8oz apple popping boba pot


  • Mango Boba Pot 8oz

    8oz mango popping boba pot


  • Peach Boba Pot 8oz

    8oz peach popping boba pot


  • Blueberry Boba Pot 8oz

    8oz blueberry popping boba pot


  • Pineapple Boba Pot 8oz

    8oz pineapple popping boba pot



Saturday 14 September 2024
I ordered two vanilla milk teas and unfortunately there was no vanilla but they made up for it by delivering it very fast and instead, getting a much better flavour, 10/10
Boba and Beyond replied
Thank you very much. We appreciate you supporting our small business. We wish to see you again
Friday 07 June 2024
Very bad service and food quality, ordered a strawberry smoothie got a strawberry milkshake made with ice cream, the bubble waffle was burnt on edges and served in below standard foil container sauces had no flavour, dont order from here waste of money!!
Boba and Beyond replied
Sorry you had a bad experience at boba and beyond. Our waffle bites have always been served in a foil container for the last 3 years and no one has complained. Our waffle bites are one of the best sellers and keep our standards high on the process of making each waffles. We do hope to see you again. Thanks.
Wednesday 05 June 2024
Wednesday 05 June 2024
So impressed with this place. All the drinks were fabulous, on time and very generous with the syrups & toppings. Definitely my go to for boba/ bubble tea.
Saturday 18 May 2024
I ordered it with cheese foam and paid extra for it, it didnt come with cheese foam. Also the boba was slightly undercooked and not sweet enough. The macha was decent though
Sunday 05 May 2024
Tuesday 19 March 2024
Sunday 17 March 2024
brown sugar milkshake is supposed to come with tapioca but doesn’t
Saturday 09 March 2024
The drink my daughter always buy from the shop . Waffles were very nice and sweet but No icecream !.
Boba and Beyond replied
Apologies we will upgrade your drink to a large for free on your next order a d give an extra ice cream. We hope to see you again.
Thursday 07 March 2024
Excellent smoothie and desserts

A little bit about us

Are you one of those people who prefer desserts to starters? Then Boba and beyond is the ideal choice for you, as they offer a vast array of desserts on their menu. Go on treat yourself. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

15:00 - 23:00
13:30 - 21:30
15:00 - 23:00
13:30 - 21:30
15:00 - 01:00
15:00 - 01:00
15:00 - 23:00

Business details

Boba and Beyond
4 Selbourne Road
LU4 8LP Luton
We are a professional trader. Learn more about how we and Just Eat split responsibilities to consumers