Brothers Cafe Restaurant

0 reviews

Meal Deals

  • Family Meal (6 Chicken, 2 Pasta and Rice)

    A feast for the whole family! Includes 6 pieces of chicken, 2 portions of pasta, and 2 servings of rice. Ideal for sharing.


  • Soor with Calooley

    A traditional dish made with a creamy porridge-like base of sorghum or millet (soor), served with flavorful lamb stew (calooley), perfect for a hearty start to your day.

Lunch and Dinner

  • Beef Steak with Rice

    A tender and juicy beef steak, grilled to perfection, served with a side of aromatic rice. A satisfying and flavorful meal.
  • Beef Stew Only

    Slow-cooked beef stew, rich in flavor, featuring tender pieces of beef simmered in a savory sauce with spices. Served without sides
  • Haneeth with Rice

    Traditional slow-cooked lamb dish, marinated with special spices and cooked until melt-in-your-mouth tender. Served over fragrant rice.
  • Chicken Steak with Rice

    A succulent grilled chicken steak, seasoned to perfection, served with a side of rice for a wholesome and flavorful meal
  • Salmon with Rice

    Fresh, perfectly grilled salmon fillet served with a side of fluffy rice, offering a light and nutritious meal.
  • Chicken Legs

    Two juicy and well-seasoned chicken legs, grilled or fried, perfect for a quick and tasty meal.


  • Rice

    A side of fluffy, perfectly cooked rice to complement any main dish
  • Muffo

    A traditional flatbread with a soft texture, perfect for dipping or accompanying stews and curries.
  • Pasta

    A serving of al dente pasta, lightly seasoned and ready to pair with any meal.

Tea and Coffees

  • Tea with Milk 400ml

    A warm and comforting cup of tea blended with creamy milk, served in a generous 400ml portion.
  • Cappuccino 400ml

    A rich and frothy cappuccino made with fresh espresso and steamed milk, served in a large 400ml cup.
  • Tea with Milk and Spices 400ml

    A spiced tea made with creamy milk and aromatic spices, perfect for warming you up on a cold day.
  • Coffee Latte 400ml

    Smooth and creamy latte made with fresh coffee and steamed milk, served in a 400ml portion for a perfect pick-me-up.


  • Mango Lassi 400ml

    A refreshing and creamy mango lassi, made with sweet mangoes and yogurt for a delicious and cooling drink.
  • Coca Cola 330ml

    Classic Coca Cola in a 330ml can, offering a refreshing and fizzy drink.
  • Mirinda Strawberry 330ml

    A fruity and sweet strawberry soda with a fizzy twist, served in a 330ml can.
  • Water 500ml

    A 500ml bottle of still water to keep you hydrated.
  • Fanta Fruit Twist 330ml

    A tropical fruit-flavored soda with a vibrant and refreshing taste, served in a 330ml can.
  • Fanta Orange 330ml

    A fizzy and refreshing orange-flavored soda, served in a 330ml can.
  • Fresh Orange Juice 400ml

    Freshly squeezed orange juice, served in a generous 400ml portion for a natural, zesty refreshment.
  • 7up 330ml

    Crisp and refreshing lemon-lime soda in a 330ml can, perfect for quenching your thirst
  • Pepsi 330ml

    A classic cola beverage, served in a 330ml can for a refreshing soda experience.
  • Shaani 330ml

    A sparkling fruity soda with a bold and refreshing taste, served in a 330ml can.

Snacks and Cakes

  • Salad, Slice Lemon, Slice Cucumber and Small Tomato

    A light and refreshing side salad with sliced lemon, cucumber, and a small tomato, perfect for adding a fresh touch to your meal.


Monday 09 December 2024
Despite what was said when ordered it was closer to slightly over an hour before it was delivered.
Thursday 21 November 2024
Grilled chicken legs were tasty, sauces were good, as was the rice.

A little bit about us

Fancy a takeaway treat this evening? Avoid run-of-the-mill food and try Brothers Cafe Restaurant who serve outstanding African cuisine. With these partners of JUST EAT, it's so easy to order a tasty meal. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

07:00 - 22:00
07:00 - 22:00
07:00 - 22:00
07:00 - 22:00
07:00 - 22:00
07:00 - 22:00
07:00 - 22:00