Bubble Tea Lagoon

0 reviews

Lagoon Special

  • Caramel Cream Milk Tea 400ml

    The naughty but nice caramel treat that’s bursting with flavour. layers of taste with a velvety finish. This drink comes with brown sugar tapioca.
  • Brown Sugar Signature 400ml

    So good that we made it our signature drink. New rendition of the classic brown sugar with a creamy twist. this drink comes with brown sugar tapioca pearls
  • Taro Milk Tea 400ml

    We don’t mess with our taro too much as bubble tea lagoon has the best taro in town. (this drink comes with Brown Sugar Tapioca Pearls).
  • Rose Milk Tea 400ml

    With brown sugar tapioca.
  • Mango Banana Milk Tea 400ml

    A perfect mix of mango drink blended with fresh banana to give you that unique full taste. this drink comes with brown sugar tapioca.
  • Thai Milk Tea 400ml

    Cha Yen is the Thai Milk Tea that is usually orange in colour and made from tea mixed with several herbs and spices, evaporated milk, condensed milk and creamer. It is served over ice and brown sugar tapioca to give it it's unique smooth taste. A must try!
  • Caramel Chocolate 400ml

    A well balanced mix of caramel and chocolate ideal for anyone with a sweet tooth. This drink comes with brown sugar tapioca.
  • Brown Sugar Biscoff 400ml

    Imagine putting together two of the greatest bubble tea ingredients in one drink? Your taste buds will thank you for getting this. comes with brown sugar tapioca pearls.
  • Hazelnut Latte 400ml

    With brown sugar tapioca.
  • Mocha Madness 400ml

    With brown sugar tapioca.
  • Tirimisu 400ml

    With brown sugar tapioca.

Fruit Tea Specials

  • Juicy Passion 400ml

    This drink features delicious notes of fresh kiwi, passion fruit and guava, creating a sweet and fruity experience.
  • Watermelon Breeze 400ml

    A juicy and refreshing burst of sweet strawberries and luscious watermelon.
  • Mixed Tropical 400ml

    Bursting with tangy flavours of pineapple, mango, passionfruit, mix tropical is an exotic twist on the classic fruit beverage.
  • White Sangria 400ml

    Delicious tropical notes of juicy pineapple and soft peaches that have been infused perfectly with mango and tea to create a truly tantalising and unique taste.
  • Triple Mango 400ml

    A trio of mango explosion. This one is for the sweet mango lovers.
  • Apple and Mango 400ml

    An initial burst of tangy fresh apples is complimented with billows of sweet and tropical mango for the perfect fruity tipple.
  • Berry Burst 400ml

    An eruption of sweet and slightly sour berry blend layering ripe blueberries and raspberries.
  • Blue Lagoon 400ml

    Our signature fruit special with hints of coconut, lychee lime and orange.

Luxe Edition

  • Crème Brûlée 400ml

    Is a dessert based drink consisting of a rich custard base topped with a layer of hardened caramelized sugar. This Drink comes with brown sugar tapioca.
  • Banoffee Cream Tea 400ml

    Our own rendition of the famous Banoffee Pie dessert using layers of Banana, Caramel and Digestive biscuits. This is put together as a layered Tea drink that delivers . Comes with brown sugar tapioca.
  • Ajwah Date Tea 400ml

    Brown sugar drink with added Ajwah dates from Madinah infused to give it a layered taste. Comes with tapioca pearls.
  • Coco-Pina 400ml

    Made from actual fruits and we do not use artificial flavourings to produce our ingredients.
  • Chocolate Hazelnut Milk Tea 400ml

    With brown sugar tapioca.
  • Taro Brûlée 400ml

    With brown sugar tapioca.

Classic Ice Tea

  • Assam Black Ice Tea 400ml

  • Roasted Oolong Ice Tea 400ml

  • Earl Grey Ice Tea 400ml

    Earl Grey is one of the most recognized flavoured teas in the world. This tea is typically a black tea base flavoured with oil from the rind of bergamot orange.
  • Jasmine Ice Tea 400ml

  • Pure Matcha Ice Tea 400ml

  • Chai Black Tea 400ml

    Mixed spiced tea infused with Assam.

Fresh Milk Tea

  • Assam Milk Tea 400ml

    Brewed from premium quality loose tea leaf imported from Asia.
  • Jasmine Milk Tea 400ml

    Brewed from premium quality loose tea leaf imported from Asia.
  • Roasted Oolong Milk Tea 400ml

    Brewed from premium quality loose tea leaf imported from Asia.
  • Earl Grey Milk Tea 400ml

    Brewed from premium quality loose tea leaf imported from Asia.


  • Pistachio Milk Cake

  • Orio Milk Cake

  • Lotus Biscoff Milk Cake


Fruit Tea

  • Lychee Tea 400ml

    Made from actual fruits and we do not use artificial flavourings to produce our ingredients.
  • Mango Passion Fruit Tea 400ml

    Experience this exotic infusion of ripe mango combined with the sweet flavour of fresh passionfruit.
  • Strawberry Ice Tea 400ml

  • Grape Ice Tea 400ml

  • Kiwi Fruit Tea 400ml



Monday 09 December 2024
Sunday 01 December 2024
The picture doesn't match with my order. I psid for anextra topping and it came normal. I expected it more than I received
Sunday 23 June 2024
Disappointed to have spent so much on 2 of your bubble teas only to receive no straws with it, kind of defeats the purpose of the boba. If you sell bubble teas then it should be pretty standard to always check that the straws have been included too for the tapioca.
Friday 24 May 2024
Fast delivery and delicious bubble tea!!
Sunday 31 March 2024
dumb driver- never came to my house and delivered my order. i was scammed.
Friday 26 January 2024
Saturday 25 November 2023
Amazing bubble tea and driver was quick too
Wednesday 23 August 2023
Avoid the milk cake, it's not even worth £1. Basically a tasteless stale sponge soaked in tasteless milk. Like an accident in the kitchen
Saturday 12 August 2023
The drink bobba was too chewy and not popping bobba. Some drinks was not even sweet enough how a fruit tea should be. My milk cake leaked in the bag, only to find out the box had a small cut like a knife cut at the bottom, probably manufacture damage. First time trying. Wasn't impressed but hopefully feedback should be a sign of improvement.
Saturday 22 July 2023
It was delivered before the estimated time. Even in this rain delivery was really fast

A little bit about us

Imagine relaxing in your favourite chair and dreaming about the bubble tea you could choose online? Order from Bubble Tea Lagoon and have someone else prepare it. The best ideas are simple. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our service at www.just-eat.co.uk

Delivery times

10:00 - 22:30
10:00 - 22:30
10:00 - 22:30
10:00 - 22:30
10:00 - 22:30
10:00 - 22:30
10:00 - 22:30