Cafe Terrace

0 reviews


  • Americano 340ml

    from £3.10
    A classic, strong black coffee made by diluting espresso with hot water. Perfect for those who prefer a robust coffee experience.
  • Flat White 230ml

    from £3.10
    A smooth blend of velvety steamed milk and rich espresso, delivering a balanced and creamy coffee taste.
  • Machiato 340ml

    from £3.10
    A shot of espresso "stained" with a touch of milk, creating a bold coffee with a slight creaminess.
  • Cappuchino 340ml

    from £3.30
    A harmonious combination of espresso, steamed milk, and a generous layer of frothy milk foam on top. Ideal for those who enjoy a creamy coffee with a strong kick.
  • Iced Coffee 340ml

    from £3.60
    Refreshing and energizing, this chilled coffee drink is perfect for hot days or when you're in need of a cool caffeine boost.
  • Mocha 340ml

    from £4.00
    A delightful fusion of rich espresso, smooth milk, and decadent chocolate, making it a perfect treat for coffee and chocolate lovers alike.
  • Latte 340ml

    from £3.30
    A milder coffee option, featuring a larger amount of steamed milk combined with espresso, offering a smooth and creamy experience.
  • Hot. Chocolate 340ml

    from £3.50
    Rich, indulgent, and comforting, this hot chocolate is made with smooth cocoa, offering a sweet escape in every sip.
  • English Tea 340ml

    A traditional brew of English tea, offering a robust and soothing flavor, perfect for any time of day.
  • Herbal Tea 340ml

    A calming and refreshing selection of herbal teas, ideal for those seeking a caffeine-free alternative.
  • Fresh Juices 340ml

    Freshly squeezed juices bursting with natural flavors, perfect for a healthy and refreshing drink.
  • Hit

    Lulo, Mango, Mora soft drink, 237ml


  • Italian Chicken Salad

    A vibrant mix of tender chicken, fresh greens, and classic Italian flavors, perfect for a light and satisfying meal.
  • Chicken Salad

    A simple yet delicious salad featuring juicy chicken, crisp vegetables, and a flavorful dressing.
  • Tuna Mayonnaise

    Creamy tuna mayonnaise served over a bed of fresh salad greens, ideal for a protein-packed meal.
  • Falafel Humus and Avocado

    A vegetarian delight combining crispy falafel, creamy hummus, and fresh avocado, served with a refreshing salad.
  • Greek Salad and Humus

    A Mediterranean-inspired salad with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, feta cheese, and a side of hummus.

Jacket Potato

  • Cheesse and Beans

    A classic comfort food, featuring a baked potato topped with melted cheese and savory baked beans.
  • Chicken

    A hearty baked potato filled with tender, seasoned chicken for a satisfying meal.
  • Tuna

    A warm baked potato topped with a generous portion of tuna, offering a filling and nutritious option.
  • Smoked Salmon and Avocado

    A gourmet twist on the classic jacket potato, featuring smoked salmon and creamy avocado for a luxurious treat.


  • Berry Go Round 340ml

    Strawberry, blackberry, raspberry
    155 kcal
  • Avocado Avo Go Go Mango 340ml

    Spinach, broccoli, coconut, ginger, lime
    210 kcal
  • Kale Kick 340ml

    Mango, spinach, kale
    161 kcal
  • Coco Loco 340ml

    Mango, pineapple, coconut, lime, mint
    182 kcal
  • Pash N Shoot 340ml

    Mango, pineapple, passion fruit
    176 kcal
  • Strawberry Split 340ml

    Strawberry, banana
    190 kcal

Colombian Delicacies

  • Arepa with Cheesse

    A traditional Colombian corn cake filled with melted cheese, offering a deliciously simple and satisfying snack.
  • Arepa with Falafel, Avocado and Humus

    A vegetarian arepa topped with crispy falafel, creamy avocado, and hummus, perfect for a hearty and flavorful bite.
  • Arepa with Ham and Cheesse

    A savory arepa filled with ham and melted cheese, creating a tasty and filling meal.
  • Arepa with Chicken, Cheesse, Avocado

    A satisfying combination of grilled chicken, cheese, and avocado, served in a warm arepa.

Corn Bread and Casava flour

  • Empanada

    Beef and potato, chicken and potato, A traditional empanada filled with your choice of beef and potato, chicken and potato, or a vegetarian option.
  • Pandebono

    Casava flour A delicious Colombian cheese bread that is soft and cheesy, perfect as a snack or side.


  • Chicken and Bacon

    A savory sandwich filled with juicy chicken and crispy bacon, making it a satisfying and delicious choice.
  • Piri Piri Chicken

    A spicy and flavorful sandwich featuring Piri Piri seasoned chicken for a fiery kick.
  • Chicken Escalope

    A hearty sandwich with crispy breaded chicken escalope, offering a crunchy and satisfying bite.
  • Italian Chicken

    A tasty sandwich with Italian-seasoned chicken, delivering a burst of Mediterranean flavors.
  • Bacon and Egg

    A classic breakfast sandwich with crispy bacon and a perfectly cooked egg, perfect for any time of the day.
  • Sausage and Egg

    A hearty sandwich featuring a flavorful sausage and egg, making it a perfect morning meal.
  • Tuna Sweetcorn Mayo

    A creamy and crunchy sandwich filled with tuna, sweetcorn, and mayonnaise, offering a delightful combination of textures and flavors.
  • Mozzarella Pesto, Tomato

    A fresh and delicious vegetarian option with mozzarella cheese, tomato, and pesto, providing a burst of flavor.
  • Smoked Salmon, Eggs, Avocado

    A luxurious sandwich with smoked salmon, eggs, and avocado, perfect for those seeking a gourmet experience.
Adults need around 2000 kcal a day


Monday 02 December 2024
It was exactly what I was expecting … beautiful …. Only thing is would like more salsa/chillie sauce … I really enjoyed it and still have some left for later 😎
Saturday 09 November 2024
Sunday 27 October 2024
Food was tasty and carefully packed. Arrived really quickly too. Only issue was variety of foods. Allot of sandwich choices but lacking in meal selections
Sunday 22 September 2024

A little bit about us

Who doesn't love good cafe food? And why does it always taste better when someone else cooks? The people at Cafe Terrace work hard to cook and deliver delicious food - fast. A hot meal or custom-made sandwich directly to your door via online with JUST EAT sounds like a plan. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
Closed for delivery