Coffee & Croissants

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Artisan Patries

  • Cinnamon Bun

    Kick-start the day with a Cinnamon Bun! The pleasant warmth of cinnamon mixed through our authentic-style Cinnamon Buns combined with the sweetness of their sugary glaze is the perfect cure for morning sluggishness. One of our mouth-watering Cinnamon Buns is just the fuel your customers need to break through the morning barrier and head forth into a productive (and joy-filled) day.
  • Almond Croissant

    Rich, buttery, flaky pastry is folded around a smooth, sweet Almond Creme filling, proved and baked to perfection then dusted with icing sugar and flaked almonds. You can’t beat the classics, and our Almond Filled Croissants are the definitive breakfast pastry favourite
  • Plain Croissant

    Le Roi of breakfast pastries. The traditional French croissant is the unrivalled ruler of breakfast time and our Plain Croissant is pure quality and flavour of the absolute finest. Handcrafted flaky pastry made with real French butter, proved and baked to exquisite perfection. Please state if you'd like jam, honey, butter at no extra cost.
  • Blueberry and Almond Muffin

    Packed With Blueberries This A Traditional American Muffin, Pulling All The Stops. Sweet And Fruity This Irresistible Dessert Is A Household Favourite.

Vegan / Gluten Free

  • Almond Croissant (Vegan)

    Twice baked plant based pastry, filled with lashings of vegan almond crème and dusted with flaked almonds and icing sugar. Plant based perfection. Gluten Free
  • Plain Croissant (Vegan)

    Our plant based take on the traditional croissant. This delicate breakfast favourite is folded with layers of plant-based butter, proved and baked to flaky perfection. Perfect served warm with a cup of fresh coffee.
  • Hazelnut and Choc Cookie (GF)

    The aroma of warm chocolate, the sight of the soft, gooey centre as you tear it apart and the rich, delicious flavour of hazelnuts and chocolate dancing across your tastebuds. Cookies are sensational and our Chocolate and Hazelnut Cookies are simply the best. Gluten Free
  • Banana Loaf (Vegan)

    Discover Pure Indulgence With Our Vegan Banana Loaf. Moist, Flavorful, And Entirely Plant-based, This Banana Loaf Is A Guilt-free Delight For All To Enjoy. Experience The Perfect Blend Of Ripe Bananas And Wholesome Ingredients In Every Slice.

Artisan Cakes

  • Anana Loaf (Vegan)

    Discover Pure Indulgence With Our Vegan Banana Loaf. Moist, Flavorful, And Entirely Plant-based, This Banana Loaf Is A Guilt-free Delight For All To Enjoy. Experience The Perfect Blend Of Ripe Bananas And Wholesome Ingredients In Every Slice.
  • Blueberry & Almond Muffin

    Packed With Blueberries This A Traditional American Muffin, Pulling All The Stops. Sweet And Fruity This Irresistible Dessert Is A Household Favourite.
  • Orange and Coconut Muffin

    A citrus infused muffin made with zesty orange peel, topped with flaked coconut.

Sourdough Toastie / Meal Deals

  • Ham and Cheese

    Warm and savoury ham and cheese toastie - a classic!
  • Cheese

    Keep it simple. Cheesy and delicious

Speciality Ozone Coffee

  • Latte 255ml

    from £4.95
  • Flat White 255ml

  • Mocha 255ml

  • Macchiato 255ml

  • Piccolo 255ml

    A single shot of ristretto that's served in a demitasse glass and topped to the brim with latte-like steamed milk Gluten Free


  • Hot Chocolate 255ml

    A luxurious drinking chocolate mixed with coconut sugar and Himalayan salt, ready to be mixed with your milk of choice.
  • Turmeric and Cinnamon Blend 255ml

  • Beetroot and Ginger Blend 255ml



  • Cold Brew - Watermelon and Hibiscus 225ml

    Tastes like sunshine and seaside holidays by the Med, magically transported in your cup. Cold water never tasted so good. Gluten Free
  • Chamomile 225ml

    Whole chamomile flowers, so pure, so sweet nothing like a regular chamomile. Gluten Free
  • Cold Brew - Cucumber and Apple 225ml

    Water has never tasted so good - a cooling refreshing blend to pep up your cold water. Gluten Free
  • Cold Brew - Lychee and Rose 225ml

    Lychee and rose is an exotic combination to make your water way more lively. Gluten Free
  • Iced Latte 225ml

    Made up of ice, a double shot of espresso and cold milk.
  • Iced Dirty Chai Latte 225ml

  • Iced Matcha 225ml


Soft Drinks

  • Pineapple - Folkington's 500ml

    Folkington's is a family-owned brand of fruit juices and mixers based in East Sussex.
  • Summer Berries - Folkington's 500ml

    Folkington's is a family-owned brand of fruit juices and mixers based in East Sussex.
  • Apple - Folkington's 500ml

    Folkington's is a family-owned brand of fruit juices and mixers based in East Sussex.
  • San Pellegrino - Lemon 500ml

    Classic favourites made from 100% sun-ripened Mediterranean fruits, carefully selected by the experts at Sanpellegrino. Take the time to enjoy a deliciously refreshing, delicately sparkling taste experience. *30% less sugar than other similar sugar sweetened beverages in the UK.
  • San Pellegrino - Blood Orange 500ml

    Classic favourites made from 100% sun-ripened Mediterranean fruits, carefully selected by the experts at Sanpellegrino. Take the time to enjoy a deliciously refreshing, delicately sparkling taste experience. *30% less sugar than other similar sugar sweetened beverages in the UK
  • Coconut Water Vita 500ml

  • Blueberry, Apple and Pear Smoothie 500ml

  • Peach, Passionfruit and Orange Smoothie 500ml

  • Strawberry, Raspberry and Apple Smoothie 500ml

    Strawberry, Raspberry and Apple Smoothie


  • Lemon and Ginger 330ml

    A familiar-yet-fresh take on a classic flavour combo. Ginger and lemon go together in our Remedy Kombucha Ginger Lemon like salt and pepper. Sweet and sour. Avo and toast. No sugar and gut lovin’ benefits. It’s just meant to be. If you like ginger flavoured kombuchas, this cracking brew is for you. Featuring fresh ginger and real lemon, it’s our classic with a twist. The perfect age-old tummy-tamer for situations like confronting Karen at the watercooler. If you’re looking for the real deal, you’re in the right place.
  • Cherry Plum 330ml

    At first open of the lid, you’ll catch the fruity and floral whiff of fresh cherries and a hint of baked plum. Grab a gulp to treat your taste buds to the intense flavour of sweet red cherries. Ooh, but hang on a minute… here comes the Kakadu plum, serving up stewed fruit and liquorice undertones. Sit back and sigh as you enjoy the crisp tart finish and lingering stone fruit flavours. Smile. Repeat.
  • Peach 330ml

    Delicately luscious, fizzy and refreshing, this kombucha concoction pairs the real taste of ripe peach with just the right balance of sweet and sour. Peachy keen jellybean!

Children's Drink

  • Cawston Press - Apple & Pear 250ml

  • Summer Berries - Folkington's 250ml

    Folkington's is a family-owned brand of fruit juices and mixers based in East Sussex.
  • Apple - Folkington's 250ml

    Folkington's is a family-owned brand of fruit juices and mixers based in East Sussex.
  • Water 250ml

  • Sparkling Water 250ml

  • Coconut Water Vita 250ml

  • Pineapple and Mango Smoothie 250ml

  • Babyccino 250ml

    Frothed cows milk, topped with chocolate powder.
  • Strawberry, Raspberry & Apple Smoothie - Innocent 250ml

  • Peach & Passion Fruit Smoothie - Innocent 250ml



A little bit about us

Who doesn't love good cafe food? And why does it always taste better when someone else cooks? The people at Coffee & Croissants work hard to cook and deliver delicious food - fast. A hot meal or custom-made sandwich directly to your door via online with JUST EAT sounds like a plan. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

09:30 - 16:30
09:30 - 16:30
09:30 - 16:30
09:30 - 16:30
09:30 - 16:30
Closed for delivery
Closed for delivery