Coffee King Express

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      Cheeky Tuesday - 20% off when you spend £15
  • Coffee
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Tea
  • Iced Coffee
  • Iced Tea
  • Iced Lemonades
  • Frappes
  • Cold Drinks
  • Crisps
  • Bread
  • Cakes
  • Deli Sandwiches
  • Deli Salads
  • Breakfast
  • Toasties
  • Panini
  • Jacket Potato
  • Carvery
  • Hot Savouries


  • Single Espresso Shot 45ml

    A bold and intense shot of pure espresso, perfect for a quick caffeine boost. Its rich, concentrated flavor is ideal for those who enjoy the robust taste of coffee.


  • Double Espresso Shot 90ml

    A smooth and rich coffee made by diluting espresso with hot water, offering a lighter taste than an espresso while still delivering a full-bodied coffee experience.


  • Americano 354ml

    A smooth and rich coffee made by diluting espresso with hot water, offering a lighter taste than an espresso while still delivering a full-bodied coffee experience.


  • Latte 354ml

    A creamy and indulgent blend of espresso and steamed milk, topped with a light layer of foam. This classic drink is perfect for those who enjoy a balanced, milky coffee.


  • Cappuccino 354ml

    A traditional coffee favorite with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. Enjoy its bold espresso flavor with a smooth, velvety finish.


  • Flat White 354ml

    A velvety smooth combination of espresso and steamed milk, offering a rich coffee flavor with a silkier texture than a latte, topped with a thin layer of microfoam.


  • Cortado 354ml

    An espresso cut with a small amount of steamed milk to reduce its acidity, creating a balanced, strong coffee with a smooth finish.


  • Macchiato 354ml

    A bold espresso drink marked with a small amount of frothy milk. This strong, flavorful coffee is for those who love espresso but want a slight creaminess.


  • Original Mocha 354ml

    A delightful blend of rich espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate syrup, topped with whipped cream. A perfect mix of coffee and chocolate for an indulgent treat.


  • White Mocha 354ml

    A creamy and sweet combination of espresso, steamed milk, and white chocolate syrup, finished with whipped cream. Ideal for those who enjoy a sweeter, velvety coffee experience


Hot Chocolate

  • Original Hot Chocolate 354ml

    A rich and indulgent hot chocolate made with velvety steamed milk and smooth cocoa. Perfect for a warm, comforting treat on a chilly day.



  • Yorkshire Tea 354ml

    A classic cup of strong, robust black tea from Yorkshire Tea. Full of flavor and perfect for any time of day, whether you prefer it with milk, sugar, or plain.


  • Decaf Breakfast 354ml

    Enjoy the full-bodied taste of traditional breakfast tea without the caffeine. This decaffeinated option offers the same bold flavor for a relaxing and calming tea experience.


  • Super Fruit Tea 354ml

    A fruity and refreshing tea packed with the flavors of mixed berries and fruits. A caffeine-free option, ideal for a sweet and tangy tea experience at any time of day.


  • Peppermint Tea 354ml

    A naturally caffeine-free herbal tea made from peppermint leaves. It offers a refreshing, cooling taste with a calming effect, perfect for soothing the senses


  • Chamomile Tea 354ml

    A gentle, caffeine-free tea known for its calming properties. Chamomile tea has a light, floral flavor, making it the perfect drink to relax and unwind.


  • Earl Grey Tea 354ml

    A fragrant black tea infused with bergamot for a subtle citrus twist. This sophisticated tea offers a delicate, aromatic flavor that's both refreshing and energizing.


Iced Coffee

  • Iced Latte 473ml


  • Iced Cappuccino 354ml


  • Iced Mocha 473ml


  • Iced Americano 473ml


  • Iced Cortado 473ml


Iced Tea

  • Lemon Iced Tea 473ml

    A refreshing blend of black tea infused with zesty lemon flavor. Perfectly chilled for a crisp, revitalizing drink on a warm day.


  • Strawberry Iced Tea 473ml

    Enjoy the sweetness of ripe strawberries in this fruity iced tea. A refreshing and slightly tangy twist on a classic favorite.


  • Passion Fruit Iced Tea 473ml

    Tropical passion fruit brings an exotic flavor to this iced tea, creating a perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess.


  • Peach Iced Tea 473ml

    A deliciously smooth iced tea with the juicy flavor of sun-ripened peaches, delivering a refreshing burst of summer in every sip.


  • Caramel Iced Tea 473ml

    Indulge in the rich, buttery flavor of caramel blended with iced tea, for a smooth and slightly sweet treat.


  • Chocolate Iced Tea 473ml

    An intriguing blend of chocolate and tea, this iced drink offers a unique flavor profile for those who love to experiment with their drinks


  • Hazelnut Iced Tea 473ml

    A nutty and aromatic twist on iced tea, hazelnut adds depth and a creamy note to this cold beverage.


  • Salted Caramel Iced Tea 473ml

    This decadent iced tea features the sweet and savory contrast of salted caramel, creating a rich, indulgent drink for any time of day.


  • Vanilla Iced Tea 473ml

    Vanilla’s sweet, fragrant flavor enhances the classic iced tea, making it a luxurious, creamy refreshment with every sip


Iced Lemonades

  • Strawberry Lemonade 473ml

    A bright and fruity combination of freshly squeezed lemons and the sweetness of strawberries, perfect for cooling off on a hot day


  • Passion Fruit Lemonade 473ml

    Tropical and tangy passion fruit mixed with tart lemonade for a vibrant, refreshing drink.


  • Peach Lemonade 473ml

    Peach adds a sweet, juicy twist to classic lemonade, creating a perfectly balanced, thirst-quenching beverage.


  • Cloudy Lemonade 473ml

    A traditional cloudy lemonade made with real lemon juice, offering a bold, tart flavor with just the right amount of sweetness



  • Coffee Frappe 473ml

    A creamy and chilled coffee treat, blending smooth espresso with ice and milk, perfect for coffee lovers seeking a refreshing twist


  • Caramel Frappe 473ml

    Indulge in the rich, buttery flavor of caramel swirled into a cool, creamy frappe. Sweet, smooth, and irresistible


  • Vanilla Frappe 473ml

    A classic vanilla frappe, blending velvety vanilla flavor with ice and milk to create a frosty, sweet, and satisfying drink.


  • Hazelnut Frappe 473ml

    A nutty and creamy delight, combining the rich taste of hazelnut with a chilled frappe base. Perfect for a sweet and refreshing pick-me-up.


  • Chocolate Frappe 473ml

    For chocolate lovers, this frappe mixes a rich, chocolatey flavor with ice and milk, delivering a cool and creamy indulgence.


  • Strawberry Frappe 473ml

    Sweet, fruity strawberries blended with ice and milk to create a delicious, berry-filled frappe for a refreshing treat


  • Peach Frappe 473ml

    A burst of juicy peach flavor, blended into a creamy, icy frappe, offering a sweet and refreshing taste of summer


  • Passion Fruit Frappe 473ml

    Tropical passion fruit adds a tangy and exotic flavor to this smooth and creamy frappe, delivering a burst of refreshing tropical goodness.


  • Salted Caramel Frappe 473ml

    A decadent blend of sweet caramel with a hint of salt, mixed into a creamy frappe. Perfect for those who love sweet-salty treats


Cold Drinks

  • Coca Cola Bottle 500ml

    Coca Cola Bottle 500ml


  • Diet Coke 500ml

    Sparkling Low Calorie Soft Drink with Plant Extracts with Sweeteners


  • Fanta Orange Bottle 500ml

    Fanta Orange Bottle 500ml


  • Fanta Fruit Twist Bottle 500ml

    Fanta Fruit Twist


  • Coke Zero Bottle 500ml

    Coke Zero Bottle 500ml


  • Coke Zero Can 330ml

    Coke Zero Can 330ml


  • Dr Pepper Bottle 500ml

    Dr Pepper Bottle 500ml


  • Fanta Lemon 500ml

    Sparkling Lemon Fruit Drink with Sugar and Sweeteners


  • Fanta Orange Zero Bottle 500ml

    Fanta Orange Zero Bottle 500ml


  • Juice Burst Apple 400ml

    Juice Burst Apple 400ml - Bottle


  • Juice Burst Orange 400ml

    Juice Burst Orange 400ml - Bottle


  • Lucozade Orange 380ml

    Lucozade Orange 380ml - Bottle


  • Monster Energy 500ml

    Monster Energy 500ml - can


  • Oasis Citrus 500ml

    Oasis Citrus 500ml


  • Oasis Summer `Fruits 500ml

    Oasis Summer `Fruits 500ml


  • Pepsi Bottle 500ml

    Pepsi Bottle 500ml


  • Pepsi Max Bottle 500ml

    Pepsi Max Bottle 500ml


  • Princes Gate Still Water 500ml

    Princes Gate Still Water 500ml


  • Vimto Still 500ml

    Vimto Still 500ml


  • Blackcurrant Cup Drink 200ml

    Blackcurrant Cup Drink 200ml


  • Orange Cup Drink 200ml

    Orange Cup Drink 200ml


  • Raspberry Cup Drink 200ml

    Raspberry Cup Drink 200ml



  • Quavers 34g


  • Walkers Baked Cheese and Onion 32.5g


  • Walkers Cheese and Onion 32.5g


  • Walkers Pickled Onion 32.5g


  • Walkers Prawn Cocktail 32.5g


  • Walkers Ready Salted 32.5g


  • Walkers Roast Chicken 32.5g


  • Walkers Salt and Vinegar 32.5g


  • Walkers Smoky Bacon 32.5g


  • Wotsits 36g



  • Large Tin Sliced


  • Large Malted Grain Sliced


  • Small Farmhouse


  • Small Multiseed Loaf Sliced


  • 4 Pack of Brown Batch


  • 4 Pack of White Batch


  • Multiseed Cob


  • Soft Mailed Grain Cob


  • Soft White Cob



  • Creamy Finger Doughnut

    1 x whole cake


  • Crispy Caramel Doughnut

    1 x whole cake


  • Filly - Vanilla Doughnut

    1 x whole cake


  • Yum Yums

    1 x whole cake


  • Vanilla Slice

    1 x whole cake


  • Gingerbread Man

    1 x whole cake


  • Egg Custard

    1 x whole cake


  • Apple Turnover

    1 x whole cake


  • Biscoff Blondie Brownie

    1 x piece of brownie


  • Blueberry Muffin

    1 x whole cake


  • Caramel Doughnut

    1 x whole cake


  • Caramel Fudge Doughnut

    1 x doughnut


  • Chocolate Brownie

    1 x piece of brownie


  • Chocolate Eclair

    1 x whole cake


  • Cinnamon Swirl

    1 x whole cake


  • Cookie

    1 x whole cake


  • Copenhagen Slice



  • Crispy Cake

    1 x whole cake


  • Cronut

    1 x whole cake


  • Custard Tart

    1 x whole cake


  • Double Chocolate Muffin

    1 x whole cake


  • Fresh Cream Scone

    1 x whole cake


  • Millionaire Shortbread

    1 x whole cake


  • Lemon and Poppy Seed Muffin

    1 x whole cake


  • Rocky Road Slice



  • Strawberry Tart

    1 x whole cake


  • Whole Battenburg

    1 x whole cake


Deli Sandwiches

  • Deli Sandwiches

    Chose your filling, your bread, your salad and sauce


Deli Salads

  • Salad Box 1 Filling

    A fresh and healthy base salad, customized with one filling of your choice. Perfect for a light and nutritious meal


  • Salad Box 2 Fillings

    A fresh and healthy base salad, customized with two fillings of your choice. Perfect for a light and nutritious meal


  • Salad Box 3 Fillings

    A fresh and healthy base salad, customized with three fillings of your choice. Perfect for a light and nutritious meal



  • All Day Breakfast Wrap


  • Break Fast Box


  • Cumberland Whirl


  • Build your Own

    from £3.00


  • Toastie 1 Filling

    Choose your filling from the options


  • Toastie 2 Fillings

    Choose your filling from the options


  • Toastie 3 Fillings

    Choose your filling from the options



  • Panini 1 Filling

    Choose your filling from the options


  • Panini 2 Fillings

    Choose your filling from the options


  • Panini 3 Fillings

    Choose your filling from the options


Jacket Potato

  • Jacket Potato - Plain

    Plain jacket potato


  • Jacket Potato - 1 Filling

    Choose your filling from the options


  • Jacket Potato - 2 Filling

    Choose your filling from the options


  • Jacket Potato - 3 Filling

    Choose your filling from the options



  • Hot Gammon Batch

    A freshly baked batch roll filled with juicy, thick slices of hot gammon, perfect for a hearty and satisfying sandwich.


  • Hot Roast Pork Batch

    Tender, slow-cooked roast pork served in a soft batch roll, topped with apple sauce for a classic and flavorful roast sandwich.


  • Hot Turkey Batch

    Slices of succulent roasted turkey, served in a warm batch roll, paired with stuffing and cranberry sauce for a delicious, comforting bite.


  • Hot Roast Beef Batch

    Savory, slow-cooked roast beef served in a batch roll, with a rich gravy or horseradish sauce, making this a flavorful sandwich option.


  • Jumbo Pigs In Blankets

    Juicy jumbo sausages wrapped in crispy bacon, perfect for a festive snack or side dish, ideal for any time of year.


  • Fried Onion Portion

    A generous portion of crispy, golden fried onions, perfect as a side or topping for your favorite sandwich or burger.


Hot Savouries

  • Medium Sausage Roll x1

    A classic flaky pastry filled with seasoned pork sausage, baked to golden perfection for a savory treat.


  • Cheese and Onion Pasty x1

    A rich blend of melted cheese and sautéed onions wrapped in buttery, flaky pastry. A delicious vegetarian option.


  • Peppered Steak Pasty x1

    Tender pieces of steak, cooked in a peppery gravy, encased in golden pastry. A hearty and flavorful bite.


  • Vegetable Pasty x1

    A mix of fresh vegetables, herbs, and spices, wrapped in light, flaky pastry. Perfect for vegetarians and those who enjoy a lighter filling.


  • Sausage and Bean Pasty x1

    Succulent sausage mixed with baked beans in a savory sauce, enclosed in a crisp pastry shell. A comforting, hearty snack.


  • Chicken Tikka Pasty x1

    A unique twist on a classic, featuring spicy, flavorful chicken tikka filling, wrapped in a flaky pastry.


  • Medium Pork Pie x1

    Traditional British pork pie with seasoned pork meat, encased in a golden, hand-crimped crust. Ideal for a savory snack.


  • Meat and Potato Pie x1

    A comforting pie filled with tender meat and diced potatoes in a savory gravy, all wrapped in a flaky pastry crust.


  • Vegan Sausage Roll x1

    A plant-based version of the traditional sausage roll, featuring seasoned vegan sausage in flaky pastry. Perfect for vegans and vegetarians.


  • Breakfast Pasty x1

    A hearty breakfast filling of bacon, sausage, and egg, wrapped in a warm, golden pastry. Great for a morning bite.


  • Steak and Kidney Pie x1

    A traditional favorite with tender steak and kidney pieces cooked in rich gravy, encased in a golden, flaky pie crust.


  • Traditional Pasty x1

    A classic Cornish-style pasty with a filling of beef, potato, swede, and onion, baked in a deliciously flaky pastry shell.



Thursday 26 September 2024
Thursday 26 September 2024
Thursday 26 September 2024
Tuesday 24 September 2024
Sunday 15 September 2024
My order had three missing items, I called them twice and was told the manager managed refunds. They were supposed to call me back, they didn't and I didn't get my refund. Avoid!
Tuesday 10 September 2024
Food was pretty poor and dont trust option choice as they swap it and then tell you on delivery.
Thursday 05 September 2024
Delivery had a flat tire but they were very kind, only a few minutes late and they compensated me with a pastry from their shop. 10/10
Saturday 24 August 2024
Monday 19 August 2024

A little bit about us

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Coffee King Express can set you up with appetising, nutritious food delivered right to your door, it couldn't be easier to start off right. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

08:00 - 15:00
08:00 - 15:00
08:00 - 15:00
08:00 - 15:00
08:00 - 15:00
08:00 - 15:00
09:00 - 15:00

Business details

Coffee King Express
14 The Crescent West Kirby
CH48 4HN Wirral
We are a professional trader. Learn more about how we and Just Eat split responsibilities to consumers