Double Apple Kitchen

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  • Green Olives

  • Nachos

    Melted cheese, jalapenos, fresh salsa
  • Cacik

    Pita bread
  • Halloumi

    Sundried tomatoes


  • Vegetable Spring Rolls

    Apple ketchup
  • Vegetable Gyoza

    Soy sesame chilli dressing, lime
  • 3 Pulled Beef Brisket Tacos

    Sriracha mayo, spring onion, fresh salsa
  • BBQ Chicken Wings

    BBQ sauce, spring onion, chilli, sesame
  • Buffalo Chicken Wings

    Buffalo sauce, spring onion, chilli, lime
  • Yakitori Chicken Skewers

    Soy sesame chilli dressing, lime
  • Dynamite Prawns

    Lemon zest mayo
  • Crispy Calamari

    Sweet chilli, lime

Bao Buns

  • Buttermilk Chicken

    Soy sesame chilli dressing, cucumber, carrot
  • Dynamite Prawns Bao Bun

    Sriracha mayo, pickled red onion, red cabbage, carrot

BBQ Smoked and Grilled

  • 12Hrs Smoked Short Ribs

    BBQ sauce, pickled red onions, coleslaw, French fries, lime
  • 12Hrs Smoked Beef Brisket

    BBQ sauce, pickled red onions, coleslaw, hand cut chips, lime
  • Lamb Chops

    Chives gravy, tenderstem broccolini, mash potato
  • Rack of Lamb Ribs

    Sweet chilli BBQ sauce, spring onions, hand cut chips, lime


  • Seabass

    Lemon saffron capers sauce, sauteed garlic, carrots, green beans, mash potato


  • Beef Burger

    Chipotle sauce, lettuce, tomato, balsamic caramelised onions, turkey rashers, cheese.
  • Smoked Brisket Burger

    BBQ sauce, gherkins, pickled red onion, smoked cheese.
  • Chicken Burger

    Mayo, lettuce, tomato, onions, cheese
  • BBQ Chicken Burger

    BBQ sauce, lettuce, tomato, caramelised onions, turkey rashers, cheese


  • Mac and Cheese

    A classic creamy blend of macaroni pasta and rich cheese sauce. A hearty, comforting dish perfect for cheese lovers.
  • Baby Vegetables

    Baby vegetables for an added burst of freshness and color.
  • French Fries

    Add cheese for £1
  • Coleslaw

    A refreshing mix of shredded cabbage, carrots, and creamy dressing, providing a crunchy and tangy side to your meal.
  • Mash Potato

    Smooth and buttery mashed potatoes, made with fresh ingredients for a rich, comforting flavor
  • Fried Mushroom

    Savory and crispy fried mushrooms, a perfect bite-sized treat or side, bursting with earthy flavors.
  • Hand Cut Chips

    Add cheese for £1


  • Ferrero Rocher 500ml

    Smooth and luxurious, combining the irresistible flavors of Ferrero Rocher chocolates and creamy milkshake for a nutty, chocolatey delight.
  • Kinder Bueno 500ml

    A dreamy blend of the smooth hazelnut and chocolate flavors from the beloved Kinder Bueno, perfect for sweet-tooth cravings.
  • Reeses Peanut 500ml

    Indulge in the rich and creamy combination of chocolate and peanut butter with this Reese's-inspired milkshake.
  • Snickers 500ml

    Packed with the classic Snickers flavors of caramel, chocolate, and peanut, blended into a smooth and satisfying milkshake.
  • Lotus Biscoff 500ml

    A smooth and spiced shake featuring the iconic taste of Lotus Biscoff biscuits, blended to creamy perfection.
  • Banana 500ml

    Refreshing and fruity, this banana-flavored shake is both creamy and naturally sweet.
  • Strawberry 500ml

    A classic favorite, packed with the fresh, fruity flavor of ripe strawberries in every creamy sip.
  • Mango 500ml

    Exotic and refreshing, this shake blends the sweet and tropical taste of mango with creamy goodness.

Cold Beverages

  • Still Water

    from £2.50
    Pure and refreshing still water to keep you hydrated. Available in multiple sizes.
  • Sparkling Water

    from £2.50
    Crisp and bubbly sparkling water for a refreshing sip with your meal. Available in multiple sizes.
  • Tonic Water 330ml

    A light, slightly bitter tonic water, ideal for a refreshing drink or pairing with your favorite spirits.
  • Cola Original 330ml

    The classic cola with a bold and refreshing flavor, perfect with any meal.
  • Cola Zero 330ml

    The same great cola taste, but sugar-free, for those looking for a lighter option.
  • Sprite 330ml

    Crisp and refreshing lemon-lime soda, with a zesty kick.
  • Ginger Ale 330ml

    A warm and spicy ginger-flavored soda, perfect on its own or as a mixer.
  • Redbull 250ml

    A high-energy drink to keep you going with its stimulating and refreshing taste.
  • Sugarfree Redbull 250ml

    All the energy of Redbull without the sugar, for a lighter boost.


  • Cookies and Cream Cheesecake

    White chocolate cheesecake blended with crushed cream cookies on a chocolate biscuit base
  • Original Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake

    A vanilla cheesecake swirled with biscoff followed by a thick layer of biscoff and then finished with a generous topping of crushed lotus biscuits
  • Vanilla Cheesecake with Ferrero Rocher and Nutella

    Decadent vanilla cheesecake swirled with hazelnut praline topped with milk chocolate fudge, nibbed hazelnuts and a hazelnut chocolate on each slice.


Tuesday 22 October 2024
Very tasty food! Great value for the portions received and also very well packed. Will order again for sure!

A little bit about us

Perfect for anyone who can't live without a burger fix. At Double Apple Kitchen burgers are a passion - which juicy offering will you choose? With easy ordering and prompt delivery, you just need to tuck in and enjoy! After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Please inform us of any allergies or dietary requirements before you order. Unfortunately it is not guaranteed that any of our products are 100% free of any allergen, this is due to the cross contamination in our busy kitchen.
12.5% Service charge will be added to your bill.

Delivery times

17:00 - 00:00
17:00 - 00:00
17:00 - 00:00
17:00 - 00:00
17:00 - 01:00
15:00 - 01:00
15:00 - 00:00