Fish Kitchen

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  • Fish! Soup

    Fish soup with croutons & rouille
  • Tempura Prawns, Sweet Chilli Sauce

  • Devilled Whitebait, Tartare Sauce

  • Calamari, Rocket Salad, Lemon Mayo

  • Jarvis Own Organic Smoked Salmon, Brown Bread and Butter

  • Seared Tuna, Sesame Soy Dressing

    Tuna carpaccio, soy and sesame dressing

Beer Battered Bundles

  • Beer Battered Fish and Chips of The Day

    Served with mushy teas, tartare sauce and lemon
  • Beer Battered Plaice and Chips

    Served with mushy peas, tartare sauce and lemon
  • Beer Battered Halibut and Chips

    Served with mushy peas, tartare sauce and lemon
  • Kids Sausage

    With chips


  • Fish Finger Sandwich with Chips

    With tartare or ketchup and chips
  • Grilled Native Lobster, Garlic Butter, Chips and Salad

  • Fish Pie

  • Whole Grilled Dover Sole, New Potatoes, Hollandaise

  • Grilled Wild Sea Bass, Crushed New Potatoes and Sauce Vierge

  • Fish Cake, Spinach and Beurre Blanc

  • Grilled Whole Sardines, Mixed Salad and Spicy Salsa

  • Grilled Sea Bream, Scalion Mash and Beurre Blanc


Grilled Fish

  • Grilled Cod Fillet with Salsa Verde

    A tender grilled cod fillet topped with a fresh and aromatic Salsa Verde, offering a burst of herby flavors
  • Grilled Salmon (Medium Temperature) with Hollandaise Sauce

    Succulent grilled salmon cooked to medium temperature, complemented by a rich and creamy Hollandaise sauce
  • Grilled Skate Wing With Herb and Garlic Butter

    Delicate skate wing grilled to perfection, drizzled with a flavorful herb and garlic butter
  • Grilled Mackerel Fillet with Spicy Salsa

    A savory grilled mackerel fillet served with a spicy salsa to elevate its rich, natural taste
  • Grilled Sea Bream Fillet with Beurre Blanc

    A light and flaky sea bream fillet, grilled and finished with a classic and buttery beurre blanc sauce
  • Grilled Swordfish Steak (Medium Temperature) with Spicy Salsa

    A hearty grilled swordfish steak cooked to medium temperature, enhanced by a bold and spicy salsa
  • Grilled Monkfish Fillet with Salsa Verde

    Mouthwatering grilled monkfish fillet paired with a refreshing and zesty salsa verde
  • Grilled Wild Sea Bass Fillet with Salsa Verde

    Wild-caught sea bass fillet grilled to perfection, topped with a lively and herbaceous salsa verde
  • Grilled Plaice Fillet With Herb and Garlic Butter

    A delicate grilled plaice fillet enriched with a savory herb and garlic butter for a delightful flavor


  • Chips

    Crispy, golden chips, perfect as a side dish to any meal
  • Mushy Peas

    Classic mushy peas, a traditional and comforting accompaniment
  • Samphire

    Deliciously salty and crunchy samphire, a unique and tasty green side
  • Tomato and Onion Salad

    Tomato-onion salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing
  • Bread and Butter

    Freshly baked bread served with creamy butter, a simple yet satisfying side
  • Tartare Sauce

    Tangy and creamy tartare sauce, ideal for complementing seafood dishes
  • Pickled Wallies

    Crisp and tangy pickled cucumbers, a refreshing side or snack
  • Mixed Salad

    A variety of fresh greens and vegetables, tossed together for a healthy and vibrant side
  • Pickled Onions

    Sharp and tangy pickled onions, adding a burst of flavor to any dish
  • Mayonnaise

    Smooth and creamy mayonnaise, perfect for dipping or spreading


  • Bread and Butter Pudding with Custard

    A classic slice of bread and butter pudding, served warm with creamy custard for a comforting dessert experience
  • Sticky Toffee Pudding with Toffee Sauce

    A rich slice of sticky toffee pudding, drizzled with luscious toffee sauce for a decadent finish

White Wines

  • Madregale Bianco, Italy Bottle 750ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    A crisp and refreshing white wine with delicate floral notes and a hint of citrus, perfect for pairing with light dishes
    12% vol
  • Pipcoul de Pinet, Languedoc, France Bottle 750ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    A zesty and fresh white wine with bright acidity and flavors of lemon, lime, and green apple, ideal for seafood and salads
    13% vol

Rose Wines

  • H-Hero la Cantina Pizzolato, Italy 2019 Bottle 750ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    An organic and vibrant red wine with flavors of ripe cherries, blackberries, and a hint of spice, showcasing a smooth and well-rounded palate
    12.5% vol
  • Diamarine Coteaux Varois, Provence, France Bottle 750ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    A delightful rosé with notes of strawberry, raspberry, and a touch of citrus, offering a refreshing and crisp finish, perfect for warm days
    13% vol


  • Champagne Joseph Perrier Cuvee Royal, France 750ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    A luxurious Champagne with fine bubbles and elegant flavors of citrus, apple, and brioche, delivering a refined and memorable experience
    12% vol
  • Champagne Joseph Perrier Cuvee Royal, France Bottle 375ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    A half-bottle of the exquisite Cuvee Royal, featuring the same elegant flavors of citrus, apple, and brioche, ideal for a more intimate celebration
    12% vol


  • Meantime Pale Ale 330ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    A flavorful pale ale with balanced notes of citrus and tropical fruits, offering a smooth and refreshing finish
    4.7% vol
  • Peroni Libera 330ml (Non Alcoholic 0% ABV)

    A non-alcoholic version of the classic Peroni, delivering the same crisp and refreshing taste without the alcohol.

Soft Drinks

  • Fevertree Ginger Ale 330ml

    A premium ginger ale crafted with natural ingredients for a crisp and refreshing beverage
  • Fevertree Indian Tonic 330ml

    A high-quality Indian tonic water with a perfect balance of bitterness and effervescence, ideal for mixing with spirits
  • Fevertree Light Tonic 330ML

    A lighter version of the classic Indian tonic water, offering the same great taste with fewer calories


Friday 10 January 2025
Saturday 02 November 2024
Saturday 12 October 2024
The food was freezing cold. Made everything soggy. Due to late delivery. Delivery guy went to wrong address.

A little bit about us

Who doesn't love good old fish and chips? Fish Kitchen is your one stop fish and chip shop (with plenty of other goodies on their menu). Simply decide what you want to eat, order, pay securely and pick a time for delivery or collection - it's as easy as ABC. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

Closed for delivery
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
Closed for delivery