Fresh Desserts

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Doughnut Deals

  • 2 Doughnuts

    Choose 2 doughnuts from our mouth watering selection.
  • 4 Doughnuts

    Choose 4 doughnuts from our mouth watering selection.


  • Strawberry Milkshake 354ml

    The Strawberry Milkshake 354ml is a refreshing and creamy treat bursting with the sweet flavor of ripe strawberries. Made with smooth, blended milk and real strawberry essence, this milkshake offers a deliciously thick texture and a satisfying, fruity taste.
  • Vanilla Milkshake 354ml

    The Vanilla Milkshake 354ml is a classic, creamy delight with a rich, smooth flavor of sweet vanilla. Made with blended milk and natural vanilla essence, this milkshake offers a velvety texture and a perfectly balanced taste that's both refreshing and indulgent.
  • Banana Milkshake 354ml

    The Banana Milkshake 354ml is a smooth and creamy drink that captures the naturally sweet taste of ripe bananas. Blended with fresh milk, this milkshake offers a thick and satisfying texture, making it a refreshing and indulgent treat.
  • Terry's Milkshake 354ml

    The Terry's Milkshake 354ml is a decadent treat inspired by the beloved flavor of Terry's chocolate orange. This creamy milkshake combines rich chocolate and vibrant orange essence for a smooth, thick texture with a zesty twist.
  • Kinder Milkshake 354ml

    The Kinder Milkshake 354ml is a creamy and indulgent drink inspired by the beloved Kinder chocolate. Blended to perfection, this milkshake captures the smooth, milky chocolate taste with hints of hazelnut, offering a rich and satisfying experience in every sip.
  • Ferrero Milkshake 354ml

    The Ferrero Milkshake 354ml is a luxurious drink inspired by the iconic Ferrero Rocher chocolates. This creamy milkshake combines rich chocolate and hazelnut flavors for a velvety, smooth texture reminiscent of the classic confection.
  • Milky Bar Milkshake 354ml

    The Milky Bar Milkshake 354ml is a creamy, indulgent drink inspired by the smooth, sweet taste of Milky Bar white chocolate. Blended to a thick, velvety texture, this milkshake offers a rich and satisfying vanilla-like flavor that captures the essence of creamy white chocolate in every sip.
  • Flake Milkshake 354ml

    The Flake Milkshake 354ml is a decadent treat inspired by the smooth, crumbly texture of Flake chocolate. This creamy milkshake captures the rich cocoa flavor of the iconic chocolate bar, blended to a thick, luxurious texture that melts in the mouth.
  • Maltesers Milkshake 354ml

    The Maltesers Milkshake 354ml is a deliciously creamy treat inspired by the light and crunchy texture of Maltesers chocolate.

American Waffles

  • Ferrero Rocher Waffle

    Chopped nuts, ferrero rocher and nutella sauce: served with vanilla ice cream
  • Lotus Biscoff Waffle

    Biscoff crumbs topped with biscoff sauce, served with vanilla ice-cream
  • Oreo Waffle

    Milk chocolate, white chocolate and oreo crumbs
  • Create your own Waffle

    Choose of 2 toppings and 2 sauce


  • Lotus Cake

    Moist lotus biscoff sponge cake, layered with lotus spread and smooth freshly whipped cream finished with biscoff crumbs and lotus biscuits.
  • Mint Chocolate Cake

    Moist chocolate sponge with mint flavoured fresh cream, topped with chocolate mousse and an elegant chocolate topping finish.
  • Ferrero Cake

    Moist chocolate sponge layered with hazelnut chocolate cream and topped fresh with Ferrero Rocher and nuts.
  • Carrot Cake

    Moist mixed carrot sponge with cream cheese frosting and shredded carrot pieces.
  • Rainbow Cake

    Rich vanilla layered coloured sponge with fluffy whipped cream and jam layer topped with mixed crumbs on the side.
  • Strawberry Cheese Cake

    Strawberry Cheesecake is a delightful dessert that combines a rich, creamy cheesecake filling with the fresh, fruity flavor of strawberries.
  • Lotus Biscoff Cheese Cake

    Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake is an indulgent dessert that combines the creamy richness of traditional cheesecake with the distinct flavor of Lotus Biscoff cookies.
  • Oreo Cheese Cake

    Oreo Cheesecake is a deliciously indulgent dessert that combines the rich, creamy texture of cheesecake with the beloved flavor of Oreo cookies.


  • Cherries Flavour Muffin

    Cherries Flavor Muffin is a delightful baked treat that combines the sweet and tangy essence of cherries with a soft, moist muffin base.
  • Chocolate Flavour Chips Muffin

    Chocolate Flavor Chips Muffin is a decadent treat that combines a moist and fluffy muffin base with rich, melty chocolate chips.
  • Double Chocolate Flavour Muffin

    Double Chocolate Flavor Muffin is a rich and indulgent baked delight that takes chocolate to the next level. This decadent muffin features a soft and moist base made with cocoa powder, providing a deep chocolate flavor throughout.


  • Strawberry Sundaes

    Served with strawberry and vanilla ice-cream fresh strawberry, drizzle with strawberry sauce
  • Kinder Bueno Sundae

    Chocolate ice-cream and vanilla ice-cream layered with kinder bueno chocolate nutella sauce
  • Oreo Sundae

    Served with chocolate and vanilla ice-cream with Oreo crumbs, drizzle with chocolate sauce and white chocolate sauce.

Cookie Dough

  • Double Chocolate Cooke Dough

    Freshly baked chocolate cooke mix with white belgian chocolate
  • Create your own Cooke Dough

    Choice of 2 topping and 2 sauce
  • White Chocolate Cooke Dough

    Freshly baked cookies mix Belgian white chocolate


  • Mango Mocktail 354ml

    The Mango Mocktail 354ml is a refreshing, non-alcoholic beverage that captures the vibrant flavor of ripe mangoes.
  • Strawberry Mocktail 354ml

    The Strawberry Mocktail 354ml is a refreshing and vibrant non-alcoholic drink that celebrates the sweet, juicy flavor of fresh strawberries.
  • Blue Curacao Mocktail 354ml

    The Blue Curacao Mocktail 354ml is a visually stunning and refreshing non-alcoholic beverage that features the vibrant blue hue of blue curaçao syrup, known for its sweet and citrusy flavor.
  • Kiwi Mocktail 354ml

    The Kiwi Mocktail 354ml is a refreshing and vibrant non-alcoholic beverage that highlights the unique, tangy flavor of fresh kiwis.

Ice Cream

  • Mint Choc Chip Flavour Ice Cream

    1 Scoop - Mint Choc Chip Flavour Ice Cream is a refreshing and indulgent treat that perfectly balances the coolness of mint with rich chocolate chips.

Fizzy Drinks

  • Pepsi Max 330ml

    Pepsi Max 330ml is a bold, zero-calorie soft drink that delivers the classic Pepsi flavor with an extra kick.
  • Pepsi Max No Sugar 330ml

    Pepsi Max No Sugar 330ml is a refreshing, sugar-free soft drink that delivers the iconic Pepsi flavor with zero calories.
  • Coca Cola Zero Sugar 330ml

    Coca-Cola Zero Sugar 330ml is a refreshing soft drink that offers the classic Coca-Cola taste without the sugar or calories.
  • Diet Coke 330ml

    Diet Coke 330ml is a refreshing, sugar-free soft drink that delivers the classic Coke flavor without any calories.
  • Sprite 330ml

    Sprite 330ml is a refreshing lemon-lime flavored soft drink known for its crisp and uplifting taste.
  • 7UP Zero Sugar 330ml

    7up Zero Sugar 330ml is a refreshing, sugar-free soft drink that offers the classic lemon-lime flavor of 7up without any calories.
  • 7UP 330ml

    7up 330ml is a refreshing carbonated soft drink known for its crisp and zesty lemon-lime flavor.
  • Dr. Pepper 330ml

    Dr. Pepper 330ml is a unique and flavorful soft drink that stands out with its distinctive blend of 23 flavors, creating a complex taste that is both refreshing and satisfying.
  • D. Pepper Zero Sugar 330ml

    Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar 330ml is a bold and flavorful soft drink that offers the iconic taste of Dr. Pepper without any sugar or calories.
  • Irn Bru 330ml

    Irn Bru 330ml is a unique and refreshing carbonated soft drink that boasts a distinct orange color and a flavor profile unlike any other.


A little bit about us

Have you got a sweet tooth? If so, Fresh Desserts has a wealth of dessert treats on their menu. The hardest part is deciding what to choose but the JUST EAT app makes the rest easy. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 15:45