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  • Potato Kozleme


Fresh Fruit Juices

  • Orange Therory Juice 500ml

    Orange, carrot and ginger
  • Apple Kick Juice 500ml

    Apple, carrot and ginger
  • Red Orange Juice 500ml

    Beetroot, apple, orange and ginger
  • Bloody Apple Juice 500ml

    Beetroot, carrot and apple
  • Mixed Green Juice 500ml

    Kiwi, apple, cucumber, pear and lime
  • Cooler Juice 500ml

    Orange, apple, cucumber and ginger
  • Refresher Juice 500ml

    Carrot, beetroot, celery and ginger
  • Fresh Surprise Juice 500ml

    Apple, orange, pear and kiwi
  • Carrot Surprise Juice 500ml

    Apple, carrot, celery and cucumber
  • Greenish Juice 500ml

    Kiwi, celery, apple and pear
  • Detox Kick Juice 500ml

    Lemon, ginger, apple, celery and cucumber

Green and Great

  • Super Fuel 500ml

    Apple, mint, spinach, parsley and avocado
  • Green Mix 500ml

    Ginger, apple, orange and carrot
  • Super Green 500ml

    Kale, spinach, celery, apple, cucumber, lime, fennel and ginger
  • Red Mix 500ml

    Beetroot, apple, cucumber, parsley, kale and ginger
  • Mango Refresher 500ml

    Apple, cucumber, celery, parsley, ginger, mango and lemon
  • Green Booster 500ml

    Apple, cucumber, pear, spinach, parsley, celery and ginger
  • Green Squeeze 500ml

    Apple, cucumber, celery and avocado
  • Spicy Kale 500ml

    Kale, ginger, cucumber, parsley and celery
  • Pure Green 500ml

    Spinach, parsley, kale, celery, mint, avocado and cucumber
  • Green All 500ml

    Spinach, ginger, fennel, celery, broccoli and cucumber
  • Green Power 500ml

    Kale, fennel, cucumber, celery and lemon
  • Anti Oxidant 500ml

    Celery, cucumber, lime, spinach, kale, broccoli and spiriluna
  • S Coco 500ml

    Spinach, parsley, mint, coconut milk, cucumber and apple

Fruit Smoothies

  • Silky Mango Smoothie 500ml

    Apple, strawberry, mango and banana
  • Royal Berry Smoothie 500ml

    Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, banana and apple
  • Pineapple Sunrise Smoothie 500ml

    Mango, pineapple, apple and orange
  • Orange Mix Smoothie 500ml

    Orange, banana. apple and blueberry
  • Pre-Work Out Smoothie 500ml

    Orange, apple, kiwi and strawberry

Super Food Smoothies

  • Acai Berry Booster Smoothie 500ml

    Acai berry, apple, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and mang
  • Nutty Acai Smoothie 500ml

    Banana, apple, peanut butter and acai berry
  • Acai Dream Smoothie 500ml

    Acai berry, pineapple, apple and orange
  • Vitamin Boost Smoothie 500ml

    Cucumber, celery, spinach, spriluna, coconut and avocado
  • Blueberry Bliss Smoothie 500ml

    Raw cacao, strawberry, blueberry, banana and apple
  • Green Fuel Smoothie 500ml

    Parsley, kale, celery, lemon, cucumber, apple and spirulina

Breakfast Smoothies

  • Berry Start Smoothie 500ml

    Apple, banana, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry and oat
  • Beet Breakfast Smoothie 500ml

    Beetroot, avocado, apple, mint, cucumber and oat
  • Hello Morning Smoothie 500ml

    Banana, strawberry, mango, orange and choice of milk
  • Green and Great Smoothie 500ml

    Avocado, spinach, celery, cucumber, oat and apple
  • Wakeup Call Smoothie 500ml

    Peanut butter, banana, oat and choice of milk

Protein Shake

  • Nutty Fuel Protein Shake 500ml

    Peanut butter, banana, almond milk and protein
  • Berry Burst Protein Shake 500ml

    Almond milk, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and protein
  • Red Fuel Protein Shake 500ml

    Beetroot, cucumber, apple, kale and protein
  • Tropical Protein Shake 500ml

    Acai berry, apple, banana, mango and protein


  • Espresso Milkshake 500ml

    Soft vanilla ice cream, espresso and milk
  • Berry Delight 500ml

    Soft vanilla ice cream, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and milk
  • Acai Shake 500ml

    Soft vanilla ice cream, acai berry, strawberry and apple
  • Peanut Shake 500ml

    Soft vanilla ice cream, peanut butter, banana, cinnamon and milk
  • Fruity Shake 500ml

    Soft vanilla ice cream, mango, pineapple, banana, blueberry and milk


Sunday 17 March 2024
Thank you lovelies. Your juice is so fresh.🤍

A little bit about us

Using everyone's favourite app, order a great smoothie from Green and online partners JUST EAT will deliver. Then either go and pick it up or stay right where you are and await delivery. There is nothing like enjoying your night without the hassle of having to create something tasty yourself. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00