Haute Dolci Trafford Centre

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  • Berry Bonanza

    A medley of fresh berries atop creamy vanilla yogurt, with a drizzle of strawberry puree and a sprinkle of nut granola. A delicious way to start your day.
  • Passionate Mango

    Escape to a tropical paradise. Creamy vanilla yogurt, topped with mango puree, fresh cubed mango, passion fruit seeds and nut granola.


  • Chocolate Overload

    A delicious stack of fluffy chocolate pancakes, dripping in chocolate ganache, garnished with chocolate flakes and served with vanilla gelato - a truly decadent triple chocolate treat.


  • Berry Good Grande

    Cinnamon-soaked brioche with fresh berries, berry compote and granola, s10erved with pouring cream drip for a sweet start to your day. A delicious dessert that will leave you feeling berry good.
  • Strawberry Velvet

    Brioche with strawberries, Belgian milk chocolate drip, and vanilla gelato, a decadent treat for any sweet tooth. Perfect for anyone looking for an indulgent dessert that will make you feel like royalty.
  • French Lotus Biscoff Grande

    Buttery brioche with Lotus Biscoff® drip, crumbled Lotus Biscoff® and salted caramel gelato. Indulgent and sweet. Perfect for those looking for a satisfying dessert that brings a touch of French flair.


  • Pistachio Stack

    Fluffy pancakes stacked high and topped with crushed pistachios and fresh raspberries, a drizzle of pistachio drip, and a scoop of creamy vanilla gelato. A perfect blend of sweet and nutty flavours.


  • I Knead You

    Our warm and indulgent cookie dough loaded with white chocolate chips, paired with vanilla gelato and topped with Belgian white chocolate drip for an ultimate sweet escape.
  • High and Hazelnuts

    Our nutty cookie dough laced with warm Nutella® drip and finished with a scoop of creamy hazelnut gelato. Loaded with Ferrero Rocher® chocolates, this dessert will have you high on hazelnuts in no time.


  • An Offer She Can't Refuse Petite

    A sweet and succulent treat, our waffle is topped with scarlet strawberries, Belgian milk chocolate and paired with Madagascan vanilla gelato. An irresistible offer for any dessert lover.
  • Choco-Berry Croffle Petite

    A heavenly croissant-waffle hybrid with fresh, juicy strawberries, drizzled with Belgian milk chocolate drip, paired with vanilla gelato and garnished with chocolate curls. A perfect sweet treat for any occasion.


  • Vanilla Cloud

    Indulge in a cloud-like vanilla sponge bathed in a sweet vanilla milk syrup and topped with a rich vanilla cream frosting. Fresh berries add a pop of colour and flavour to this visually stunning treat.
  • Rose Delicacy

    Savour the delicate flavours of rose in our sponge cake infused with rose essence, bathed in rose milk and topped with creamy vanilla frosting, adorned with fragrant rose petals.
  • Saffron Symphony



  • Salted Caramel Cheesecake

    Indulge in our rich, creamy cheesecake with salted caramel swirls, crumbly biscuit crust and a drizzle of caramel drip.


  • Cheat Day

    Indulge in a cheat day with our rich and decadent dessert featuring fluffy chocolate sponge cake, warm Belgian milk chocolate drip, caramelised hazelnuts, Madagascan vanilla gelato and chocolate ganache.
  • Warm and Cosy

    Cozy up with our warm and tender apple crumble, topped with a crispy and buttery crumble, served with a side of velvety custard, this dish is the perfect comfort food for any season.
  • Ferrero Special

    Dreamy hazelnut and Belgian chocolate gelato, topped with roasted hazelnuts, cone pieces and warm Nutella® drip. Layered with Ferrero Rocher®.
  • Cotton Candy

    Unleash joy with swirls of bubblegum and vanilla gelato, colourful sprinkles and a duo of blubblegum and raspberry sauces. Capped with cotton candy and cone crunch - a fun flavor ride!


  • Mint Lemonade 350ml

    Refreshing mint and tangy lemon, our mint lemonade is a perfect thirst-quencher made with fresh mint leaves and lemon juice.
  • Fruits Of The Forest 350ml

    Lime, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, crushed ice, fresh mint, fruit syrup. Our Fruits of the Forest is a fruity delight
  • Tropical Crush 350ml

    Citrus lime, lemonade, orange juice, mango and orange wedges, mixed with fresh mint, our Tropical Crush is a refreshing escape.
  • Exotic Escape 350ml

    Lime, pineapple juice, mango puree and lemonade. Our Exotic Escape will transport you to a vacation state of mind.
  • Pina Colada 350ml

    Sweet pineapple and creamy coconut milk, this mocktail will transport you to a tropical paradise in every sip.
  • Mango Passion 350ml

    Juicy mango and passionfruit sorbet and fizzy lemonade, our Tropical Passion is the perfect summertime drink.
  • Pucker Up 350ml

    Exotic guava and passion fruit, crushed with lime and ice, our Pucker Up is a tropical treat not to be missed.
  • Mango Magic 350ml

    Fresh mango, passion fruit and lime, crushed ice and lemonade, our Mango Magic is a tropical paradise in a glass.
  • Blue Passion 350ml

    Passion fruit, blue curaçao, fresh mint leaves lemonade. Our Blue Passion is a tantalizing blend of exotic flavors, providing a refreshing tropical experience.


  • Cafe De Vanilla 350ml

    Start your day on a sweet note with our vanilla coffee milkshake. Fresh coffee, creamy vanilla and whipped cream.
  • Fabulous Ferrero 350ml

    Chocolate lovers rejoice! Our Ferrero® milkshake blends vanilla ice cream, milk and crushed chocolates for a heavenly treat.
  • S'More Please 350ml

    Bring the campfire to your glass with our s'mores milkshake. Digestive biscuits, chocolate and marshmallows blended to perfection.
  • Sunny Mango 350ml

    Escape to a tropical paradise with every sip of our mango milkshake. Ripe mangoes, creamy vanilla, and a hint of sugar.
  • Candy Shake 350ml

    Take a trip down memory lane with our playful cotton candy milkshake. Bubblegum gelato, raspberry sauce, milk and cotton candy garnish.


  • Classic Spanish Ice Latte 350ml

    Chilled espresso & sweet milk, a refreshing classic.
  • Oh So Nutty 350ml

    Smooth Nutella® and fresh coffee, over hazelnut gelato, topped with whipped cream and nuts.
  • Sticky Toffee 350ml

    Smooth toffee, vanilla gelato, coffee and whipped cream, a sticky sweet treat!
  • Caramel Frappe 350ml

    Rich caramel frappe, coffee, ice, and whipped cream - heaven!


  • Creamy Chocolate Float 350ml

    Rich hot chocolate with a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream on top, perfect for a sweet treat.
  • Belgian Mocha 350ml

    Rich Belgian chocolate and espresso blended with steamed milk.
  • Classic Spanish 350ml

    Classic Spanish Latte is a smooth and creamy coffee drink made with espresso, steamed milk.
  • Vanilla Chai 350ml

    A warm blend of black tea, ginger, cinnamon and vanilla. Enjoy with any milk
  • TWG Green Tea 350ml

    Refreshing and light, with a subtle grassy flavor. A classic choice for tea lovers.


  • Diet Coke 330ml

  • Sprite 330ml

  • Orange Juice 375ml

  • Apple Juice 375ml

  • Tropical Juice 375ml



  • Vegan Choco Berry-Licious

    Satisfy your sweet tooth with a warm vegan waffle, vegan milk chocolate, juicy strawberries and vegan vanilla gelato. Topped with a dipped chocolate strawberry for extra indulgence.
  • Vegan Sweet Fix

    Satisfy your sweet tooth with our warm, gooey vegan brownie, drizzled with Belgian milk chocolate and paired with a creamy scoop of vegan vanilla. The perfect finish garnished with a sprinkle of juicy berries.
  • Vegan Vanilla Shake

    Sink into a creamy vanilla paradise with our classic milkshake. Rich ice cream, milk and extract for a sweet, comforting treat.


A little bit about us

Using everyone's favourite app, order a takeaway from Haute Dolci® Trafford Centre and online partners JUST EAT will deliver. Then sit down, relax and enjoy your night in without the hassle of having to cook. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at www.just-eat.co.uk

If you have a food allergy or intolerance (or someone youre ordering for has), phone the restaurant on +441613026031. Do not order if you cannot get the allergy information you need.

Delivery times

12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 20:30