Kennedys - Goswell Road

0 reviews
  • Starters
  • Fried Main Courses
  • Grilled Main Courses
  • Chicken and Meat
  • Homemade Burger
  • Sausages
  • Kennedys Homemade Pies
  • Hand Cut Chips
  • Side Selection
  • Sauces and Dips
  • Homemade Sauces
  • Desserts
  • Soft Drinks
  • Wine List
  • Beer, Lager and Cider


  • Starter Home Made Fish Cake

    A homemade fish cake, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, a delicious appetizer.


  • Whitebait

    Crispy and golden-fried baby fish, a delightful and addictive seafood snack.


  • Starter Halloumi (4pc)


  • Starter King Prawns 4pc

    Succulent and juicy king prawns, grilled to perfection and served with a zingy dip.


Fried Main Courses

  • Large Cod Fried


  • Regular Fried Cod

    Crispy and golden fried cod fillet


  • Fried Jumbo Haddock

    A large and succulent haddock fillet, fried to perfection for a satisfying seafood feast.


  • Fried Regular Haddock

    Flaky and tender haddock fillet, coated in a crispy batter for a delightful crunch.


  • Fried Scampi 9 Pieces

    A generous portion of crispy and succulent scampi, perfect for seafood lovers.


  • Fried Seafood Platter

    4x Mini fish cakes, 4x calamari, 4x scampi, 4x king prawn


  • Fried Jumbo Calamari 10 Pieces

    Large and tender calamari rings, fried to perfection for a delightful seafood treat.


  • Fried Skate Middle

    Delicate and flavorful skate middle, fried to perfection for a delightful seafood experience.


  • Fried Rock and Huss Salmon

    Succulent and flaky salmon fillet, fried to perfection for a delightful seafood treat.


  • Fried Plaice

    A delicate and flaky plaice fillet, fried to perfection for a satisfying seafood dish.


  • Fried Skate Wing

    Tender and flavorful skate wing, fried to perfection for a delightful seafood experience.


Grilled Main Courses

  • Grilled Cod

    Tender and flaky cod fillet, grilled to perfection for a light and delicious meal.


  • Grilled Salmon Fillet

    A succulent and juicy salmon fillet, grilled to perfection for a delightful seafood experience.


  • Grilled Skate Wing

    Tender and flavorful skate wing, grilled to perfection for a delightful seafood experience.


  • Grilled Jumbo Haddock

    A large and succulent haddock fillet, grilled to perfection for a satisfying seafood treat.


  • Grilled Haddock

    Tender and flaky haddock fillet, grilled to perfection for a light and delicious meal.


  • Grilled Whole Sea Bass

    A whole sea bass, grilled to perfection for a flavorful and healthy seafood option.


  • Grilled Skate Middle

    Delicate and flavorful skate middle, grilled to perfection for a delightful seafood experience.


  • Grilled Whole Sea Bream

    A whole sea bream, grilled to perfection for a flavorful and healthy seafood option.


  • Grilled Plaice

    A delicate and flaky plaice fillet, grilled to perfection for a satisfying seafood dish.


  • Grilled Jumbo Prawns 7pc

    Juicy and succulent jumbo prawns, grilled to perfection for a delightful seafood feast.


Chicken and Meat

  • 1/2 BBQ Roast Chicken

    Succulent and tender roasted chicken, slathered in smoky BBQ sauce for a finger-licking feast.


  • 1/4 Chicken

    A juicy and flavorful quarter portion of roasted chicken, seasoned to perfection.


  • Chicken Fillet (2 Pcs)

    Two pieces of tender and succulent chicken fillet, cooked to perfection.


Homemade Burger

  • Cod Burger

    100% Fish fillet burger


  • Chicken Burger

    A succulent and tender chicken burger, grilled to perfection and served with all the fixings.


  • 8oz Steak Burger

    Juicy and flavorful steak burger, grilled to perfection and served with all the fixings.



  • Battered Sausage

    A crispy and golden battered sausage, perfect for a satisfying snack or meal.


  • Saveloy Sausage

    A flavorful and juicy saveloy sausage, perfect for a quick and delicious bite.


  • Regular Sausage

    A classic and juicy sausage, perfect for a hearty breakfast or a tasty snack.


  • Cumberland Sausage

    A traditional and savory Cumberland sausage, bursting with flavor.


Kennedys Homemade Pies

  • Chicken and Mushroom Pie

    A comforting pie filled with tender chicken and earthy mushrooms, a classic combination.


  • Steak and Kidney Pie

    A classic British pie filled with tender steak and kidney, slow-cooked to perfection.


  • Steak Pie

    A traditional pie filled with tender and succulent steak, cooked to perfection.


  • Steak and Guinness Pie

    A rich and flavorful pie filled with tender steak and Guinness-infused gravy.


  • Steak and Stilton Pie

    A decadent pie filled with tender steak and creamy Stilton cheese, a match made in heaven.


  • Butternut Squash, Cheese and Leek Pie

    A vegetarian pie filled with creamy butternut squash, cheese, and leeks, a delightful option.


  • Minced Steak Onion Pie

    A hearty and comforting pie filled with minced steak and caramelized onions.


Hand Cut Chips

  • Chips Large

    A generous portion of crispy and golden fries, perfect for sharing or indulging.


  • Chips Regular

    Crispy and golden fries, the ultimate comfort food to satisfy your cravings.


  • Mashed Potato

    Creamy and velvety mashed potatoes, the perfect comfort food to warm your soul.


  • New Potatoes

    Tender and buttery new potatoes, the perfect side dish to complement any meal.


Side Selection

  • Mushy Peas

    Creamy and comforting mushy peas, the perfect side dish for fish and chips.


  • Curry Sauce

    A fragrant and spicy curry sauce, perfect for dipping or drizzling over your favorite dishes.


  • Onion Gravy

    A rich and flavorful onion gravy, perfect for adding a burst of savory goodness to your meal.


  • Heinz Beans

    Classic baked beans in a rich and flavorful tomato sauce, the ultimate comfort food.


  • Roll and Butter

    A soft and fluffy roll served with a pat of creamy butter, the perfect addition to any meal.


  • Pickled Gherkin

    A crunchy and tangy pickled gherkin, perfect for adding a burst of flavor to your dish.


  • Pickled Egg

    A tangy and flavorful pickled egg, the perfect accompaniment to your meal.


  • Garden Peas

    Sweet and tender garden peas, the perfect side dish to add a pop of color to your meal.


Sauces and Dips

  • Heinz Tartar

    Heinz SqueezeMe sauces are recommended with all dishes.


  • Heinz Ketchup

    Heinz SqueezeMe sauces are recommended with all dishes.


  • Heinz Mayo


Homemade Sauces

  • Homemade Tartar Sauce

    Recommended with fried fish.


  • Garlic and Lemon Sauce

    Recommended with grilled fish.



  • Apple Pie with Custard

    A classic apple pie served with a creamy and velvety custard, the perfect comfort dessert.


  • Sticky Toffee Pudding

    A warm and indulgent dessert with a rich toffee sauce that will melt in your mouth.


Soft Drinks

  • Coke 330ml

    A refreshing and fizzy cola, perfect for quenching your thirst.


  • Coke Zero 330ml

    A guilt-free and refreshing cola, with zero sugar and zero calories.


  • Diet Coke 330ml

    A light and refreshing cola, with zero sugar and zero calories.


  • Ginger Beer 330ml

    A zesty and spicy ginger beer, perfect for a refreshing and invigorating drink.


  • Fanta 330ml

    A fruity and bubbly orange soda, perfect for a burst of citrusy flavor.


  • Sprite 330ml

    A crisp and citrusy lemon-lime soda, perfect for a refreshing pick-me-up.


  • J2O 275ml

    A fruity and refreshing blend of orange and passion fruit, the perfect thirst quencher.


  • Mineral Water 500ml

    Pure and refreshing mineral water, perfect for staying hydrated.


Wine List

  • House White Wine 750ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    A crisp and aromatic white wine, with hints of citrus and tropical fruits, perfect for any occasion.


    11.5% vol
  • House Red Wine 750ml

    age restriction 18 plus


    13% vol
  • House Rose Wine 750ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    A refreshing and fruity rose wine, perfect for sipping and enjoying with friends.


    12% vol

Beer, Lager and Cider

  • Peroni 330ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    Crisp and refreshing Italian beer that will quench your thirst.


    5% vol
  • Budwiser 330ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    Classic American lager with a smooth and crisp taste, perfect for any occasion.


    5% vol
  • MAGNERS Cider 568ml

    age restriction 18 plus
    A tall glass of fruity and tangy cider that will leave you feeling refreshed.


    4.5% vol


Friday 06 September 2024
I ordered large fish and chios for £15.68 and only got a piece of fish what a rip off
Tuesday 30 July 2024
forgot a battered sausage so I ended up with just chips for dinner. So either the driver was hungry and ate my sausage or they just forgot to put it in . Not a happy sausage

A little bit about us

Do you love fish and chips but hate cooking them at home? The answer is to take a look at the menu of Kennedy's - Goswell Road via JUST EAT and order your fish and chips for delivery or collection. You can even pay online using your card. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 21:00

Business details

Kennedys - Goswell Road
184-186 Goswell Road
EC1V 7DT London
We are a professional trader. Learn more about how we and Just Eat split responsibilities to consumers