Neighbourhood Organic

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  • Sushi Lover's Bundle

  • Fettuccine Feast Bundle

  • Breakfast Boost Bundle

  • Sweet and Savory Crepe Combo

  • Big Brekkie Bundle


Sushi Load Roll

  • Salmon Load Sushi Load Roll

    Salmon, avocado, edamame, cucumber, crispy onion, japanese mayo, soy sauce, sesame seeds.
  • Chicken Katsu Sushi Load Roll

    Chicken katsu, avocado, red cabbage, edamame,teriyaki, japanese mayo, soy sauce, sesame seeds.
  • Prawn Katsu Sushi Load Roll

    Prawn katsu, avocado, cucumber, pickled carrot,crispy onions, sriracha mayo, soy sauce, sesame seeds.
  • Baked Tofu Sushi Load Roll

    Baked tofu, edamame, cucumber, pickled cabbage, pickled carrot, crispy onions, satay sauce, soy sauce.

Sushi Load Bowl

  • Salmon Load Sushi Load Bowl

    Salmon, avocado, edamame, cucumber, crispy onion, japanese mayo, soy sauce, sesame seeds.
  • Chicken Katsu Sushi Load Bowl

    Chicken katsu, avocado, red cabbage, edamame, teriyaki, japanese mayo, soy sauce, sesame seeds.
  • Prawn Katsu Sushi Load Bowl

    Prawn katsu, avocado, cucumber, pickled carrot, crispy onions, sriracha mayo, soy sauce, sesame seeds
  • Baked Tofu Sushi Load Bowl

    Baked tofu, edamame, cucumber, pickled cabbage pickled carrot, crispy onions, satay sauce, soy sauce.

Fresh Pasta

  • Fettuccine Alfredo (V)

    Fettuccine pasta with cheese and cream
  • Fettuccine Bolognese

    Beef mince mixed with tomato paste
  • Fettuccine Mushroom (V)

    Portobello mushrooms sauteed in white sauce
  • Fetuccine Basil Pesto (V)

    Fettuccine pasta sauteed with basil, pesto,`and dried tomato


  • Eggs Any Style On Sourdough (V)

    Choose from; scrambled, poached, or fried
  • Eggs Benedict

    Poached eggs served on muffin with hollandaise, sauteed spinach choose from; turkey rashers, halloumi, or smoked salmon
  • Shakshuka (V)

    Mediterranean style omeltte with tomato sauteed onions, pepper and eggs served with toasted bread.
  • Mushroom On Toast (Ve)

    Sliced sauteed portobello mushrooms on sourdough with a seasonal salad
  • Biggie Brekkie

    Any style eggs on sourdough, turkey rashers, sausage, grilled tomato, hash brown and beans
  • Avo On Toast (Ve)

    Sourdough served with smashed avocado herb spread and seasonal salad
  • Vegan Brekkie (Ve)

    Avo on toast served with roasted beet, hummus, grilled tomatoes, portobello mushrooms and roasties.
  • Full On Brekkie

    Any style eggs on sourough, turkey rashers, sausage, grilled tomatoes and hash brown, with pancakes soaked in mapel syrup and fruits.
  • Veggie Breakfast (V)

    Any style eggs on sourdough , halloumi, hash brown, portobello mushroom, grilled tomatoes, and seasonal salad.


  • Slice of Sourdough

    A thick, rustic slice of sourdough bread, with a crispy crust and a soft, tangy center.
  • Feta Cheese

    A creamy and tangy Greek cheese made from sheep's milk
  • Hash Brown

    Crispy and golden on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside, this classic hash brown is made from grated potatoes and lightly seasoned. Perfect as a side or a tasty snack!
  • Portobello Mushroom

    A large, meaty mushroom grilled to perfection, offering a rich, earthy flavor.
  • Turkey Rasher

    A lean and flavorful alternative to traditional bacon, these turkey rashers are lightly seasoned and pan-fried to crispy perfection.
  • Sausages

    Juicy and flavorful sausages made from seasoned meat, grilled or fried to perfection.
  • Herbed Avo

  • Halloumi

    A firm, salty cheese with a satisfying squeak, grilled to golden perfection for a crispy exterior and soft, chewy interior.
  • Smoked Salmon

    Delicately cured and lightly smoked salmon, offering a rich, savory flavor with a smooth, melt-in-your-mouth texture.

Sweet Brekkie

  • Pancakes (V)

    Layers of pancakes surrounded with seasonal fruits and cream.
  • French Toast (V)

    Layers of french toast soaked in cinnamon and vanilla served with seasonal fruits.

Sweet Crepes

  • Nutella Strawberry Crepe

    Crepe with nutella, strawberry, and chocolate syrup on top.
  • Nutella Banana Crepe

    Crepe with nutella, banana, and chocolate syrup on top.
  • Berries Jam With Sweet Cream Crepe

    Crepe with berries, jam, and sweet cream filling.
  • Nutella Crepe

    Crepe with nutella filling.
  • Nutella Strawberry Banana Crepe

    Crepe with nutella, strawberry, banana, and chocolate syrup on top.

Savory Crepes

  • Feta Cheese Crepe

    Crepe with feta cheese and mixed herbs fillings.
  • Portobello Mushroom Crepe

    Portobello mushroom mixed with double cream.
  • Smoked Salmon Crepe

    Crepe with smoked salmon, cream cheese capers,scallions, and lemon filling.


  • English Breakfast

    A robust and full-bodied black tea blend with a rich, malty flavor. Perfectly balanced, it’s ideal for starting your day or enjoying with a splash of milk for a classic British tea experience!
  • Earl Grey

    A fragrant black tea infused with the distinctive aroma of bergamot citrus. Delicately balanced with floral and citrus notes, it’s a refreshing and elegant tea that can be enjoyed with or without milk.
  • Peppermint

    A soothing herbal infusion made from fresh peppermint leaves, known for its refreshing and invigorating flavor. Naturally caffeine-free, it’s perfect for a calming cup any time of day!
  • Green Tea

    A light and refreshing herbal tea made from unoxidized tea leaves, known for its delicate flavor and numerous health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it's perfect for a revitalizing sip any time of day!
  • Lemon Ginger Mint

    A zesty and invigorating blend of fresh lemon, spicy ginger, and aromatic mint leaves. This refreshing herbal infusion is perfect for soothing your senses and revitalizing your spirit, making it an ideal choice any time of day!
  • Chamomile

    A soothing herbal infusion made from dried chamomile flowers, known for its calming properties and gentle floral aroma. Perfect for winding down in the evening, this caffeine-free tea offers a warm, comforting sip for relaxation.


  • Espresso 120ml

    A rich and concentrated coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans. With its bold flavor and thick crema, it’s the perfect base for a variety of coffee drinks or enjoyed on its own for a quick caffeine boost!
  • Americano 354ml

    A smooth and robust coffee made by diluting a shot of espresso with hot water. This rich brew retains the bold flavor of espresso while offering a lighter body, making it a perfect choice for those who enjoy a classic coffee experience!
  • Latte 354ml

    A creamy blend of rich espresso and steamed milk, topped with a light layer of froth. Smooth and comforting, this popular coffee drink is perfect for savoring any time of day, and can be flavored with vanilla, caramel, or seasonal syrups!
  • Cappucino 354ml

    A delightful combination of equal parts rich espresso, steamed milk, and frothy milk foam. This classic coffee drink offers a perfect balance of strong flavor and creamy texture, making it an ideal choice for any coffee lover!
  • Flat White 354ml

    A velvety coffee made with rich espresso and velvety microfoam milk, creating a creamy texture without the extra froth of a cappuccino. With its bold coffee flavor and smooth finish, it’s a favorite for those who enjoy a strong yet balanced coffee experience!
  • Macchiato 354ml

    A bold espresso shot topped with a small amount of frothed milk, creating a delicious contrast of strong coffee flavor and creamy texture. This classic Italian drink is perfect for those who appreciate the richness of espresso with a touch of sweetness!
  • Hot Chocolate 354ml

    A rich and indulgent beverage made with velvety cocoa and steamed milk, topped with whipped cream and a sprinkle of chocolate shavings. Perfectly comforting for chilly days, this sweet treat is sure to satisfy any chocolate lover’s cravings!
  • Mocha 354ml

    A delightful combination of rich espresso, steamed milk, and decadent chocolate syrup, topped with whipped cream and a dusting of cocoa powder. This indulgent coffee drink offers the perfect blend of coffee and chocolate for a deliciously satisfying treat!
  • Flaxseed Latte 354ml

    A wholesome and creamy beverage made with rich espresso, steamed milk, and a splash of ground flaxseed for added nutrition. Topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon, this unique latte offers a nutty flavor and health benefits in every sip!
  • Chai Latte 354ml

    A warm and spiced blend of rich black tea, steamed milk, and aromatic spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger. This creamy and comforting drink offers a delightful balance of sweetness and warmth, perfect for enjoying any time of day!
  • Tumeric Latte 354ml

    A vibrant and creamy beverage made with steamed milk, turmeric, and a blend of spices including ginger and cinnamon. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, this golden latte offers a warm and soothing flavor, perfect for a comforting drink any time!
  • Matcha Latte 354ml

    A vibrant green beverage made with finely ground matcha green tea whisked into steamed milk, creating a creamy and slightly sweet drink. Packed with antioxidants, this energizing latte offers a unique earthy flavor that’s perfect for a refreshing pick-me-up!
  • Cortado 354ml

    A balanced coffee drink made with equal parts rich espresso and warm steamed milk, creating a smooth and bold flavor. This delightful beverage highlights the intensity of the espresso while softening its edge, making it a perfect choice for those who enjoy a strong yet creamy coffee experience!

Fresh Juice

  • Orange Juice 354ml

    Freshly squeezed and bursting with vibrant citrus flavor, this refreshing juice is packed with vitamins and offers a bright start to your day. Perfectly sweet and tangy, it’s a delightful way to hydrate and energize!


A little bit about us

Try sushi tonight and with the JUST EAT service, it will be delivered to your door. Neighbourhood Organic use the freshest of ingredients, lovingly prepared and delivered straight to you. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00