Pizza Shai KioskCoffee

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  • Mona Lisa Pizza 14"

    Tomato sauce, green and black olives and chilli.
  • Large Marg Pizza 14"

    from £11.95
    Each of our pizzas are made with the finest ingredients, they all come with a sauce and a packet of seasoning! Contains: Gluten, milk
  • Margarita 9"

    from £6.95
    9 inch pizza margarita come with our special pizza sauce and finest cheese
  • Pizza Olive 14"

    If it look's good smell good taste good it must be PIZZA SHAI.
  • Saoniki Pizza 14"

    Tomatoes feta cheese and black olives
  • Best Pizza with Best Sweet Corn 14"

    Warning: It tastes so good you can get addicted
  • Van Gogh Pizza 14"

    Fresh mushroom black olives and spinach
  • Da Vinci Pizza 14"

    Finest sun dried tomatoes with fresh mushrooms
  • Garlic Bread 9"

    We use virgin olive oil, fresh garlic and herbs to make the finest gallic bread.
  • Garlic Bread with Cheese 9"

    To make our cheesy garlic bread we use virgin olive oil, fresh garlic and herbs and add our cheese for the finish touch.
  • Za’atar Bread 9"

    Extra virgin olive oil, Za'atar, roasted pumpkin seeds and fresh mozzarella
  • Garlic Bread with Cheese 14"

    Golden, crispy garlic bread topped with a generous layer of melted cheese. Perfectly savory and satisfying, ideal for sharing or enjoying on its own.
  • Large Za'atar Bread 14"

    Extra virgin olive oil, Za'atar, toasted pumpkin seeds and fresh mozzarella.
  • Large Garlic Bread 14"

    A crispy, golden 14-inch garlic bread infused with buttery garlic flavor. Perfectly baked and great for sharing or as a side.
  • Double cheese



  • Salad with Feta

    Mixed Rocket leaves, tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, back and green olives, sweetcorn, chilli, onions and feta cheese. Comes with salt and pepper, virgin olive oil, lemon, garlic mayo dressing and our special shai sauce .
  • Tuna Salad

    Mixed Rocket leaves, tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, back and green olives, sweetcorn, chilli, onions and tuna. Comes with salt and pepper, virgin olive oil, lemon, garlic mayo dressing and our special shai sauce .
  • Large Salad

    from £11.95
    Fresh Tomato, Red Onion, Sliced Olives, Mixed Baby Leaf, Mushrooms, Sundried Tomato with our special sauce


  • Coke Zero 330ml

  • Regular Coke 330ml

  • Orange Fanta 330ml

  • Red Bull 250ml

  • Water 500ml



  • Shai's Sauce

    Our home brand special sauce developed over 25 years.
  • Special Spice Mix

  • Garlic Mayo

    Made from fresh garlic and finest ingredients

Hot Drinks

  • Latte 354ml

    Rich espresso blended with steamed milk and topped with a light foam layer. Smooth, creamy, and perfectly balanced.
  • Capuccino 354ml

    Bold espresso topped with creamy steamed milk and a layer of velvety foam. Classic, rich, and perfectly balanced.
  • Flat White 354ml

    Silky steamed milk poured over a rich espresso, creating a smooth, creamy coffee with a velvety texture.
  • Espresso 354ml

    A bold and concentrated shot of rich coffee with a smooth crema, delivering a robust and intense flavor.
  • Black Americano 354ml

    A rich espresso diluted with hot water, offering a smooth, bold coffee flavor without the creaminess. Simple, strong, and perfectly refreshing.
  • Cold Latte 354ml

    Comes with ice cubes
  • Long Espresso 354ml

    A longer, more diluted espresso shot with a smoother, milder flavor. Rich and bold, yet less intense than a traditional espresso. Perfect for those who enjoy a lighter, but still robust, coffee experience.


  • Iced Coffee 354ml



  • Original chips

    Thickly cut chips from the finest potatoes
  • Cheesy Chips

    Chips mixed with melted cheese


  • Barley Soup

    A hearty and nourishing soup made with tender barley, vegetables, and savory broth. Warm and comforting, it's a wholesome dish packed with flavor and nutrients.
  • Lentil Soup

    A warm and hearty soup made with tender lentils, vegetables, and aromatic spices. Packed with protein and flavor, it's a comforting and nourishing dish perfect for any time of year.


Thursday 05 December 2024

A little bit about us

Do you fancy pizza? (some of us would choose it every day if we could). For a tasty base and some great toppings, go to Pizza Shai KioskCoffee and your wish is their pizza command. No washing up and delivery right to your door - what's not to love? After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

Closed for delivery
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
10:30 - 14:15
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 22:00