RR Tasty

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Hot Sandwiches and Chips

  • Mix Sausage Sandwich

    A hearty combination of sausages loaded into a soft bun, accompanied with grilled cheese, pickles, pepperoni and topped with mayonnaise and ketchup
  • Fresh Veggie Sandwich

    A refreshing sandwich filled with a medley of fresh tomatoes, crisp peppers, egg, and melted cheese, all nestled in soft bread. A light yet satisfying choice for veggie enthusiasts.
  • Sausage Sandwich

    A whole sausage paired with egg and gooey melted cheese, encased in a warm bun. Ideal for those who crave a classic sausage sandwich with an extra kick of flavour.
  • Cheese Sandwich

    For those who prefer simplicity, this sandwich is packed with melted cheese and toasted to perfection, offering a comforting, cheesy delight.
  • Falafel and Halloumi Wrap

    A mediterranean-inspired wrap featuring crispy falafel and grilled halloumi, complemented by tangy pickles, red onions, and a touch of sweet chilli sauce. Wrapped to perfection with hummus for added richness.
  • Hot Dog

    A classic, juicy hot dog in a soft bun, perfect for a quick, satisfying snack.
  • Double Hot Dog

    Twice the fun with two plump, delicious hot dogs, packed into one bun for a double dose of flavour.
  • Chips

    Classic golden chips, fried to crispy perfection and seasoned just right.
  • Chips and Cheese

    A savoury combination of crunchy chips topped with melted cheese. Every bite is a cheesy, crispy treat.
  • Chips and Sausage

    Pairing golden chips with a succulent sausage for a simple yet satisfying meal.
  • Chips and Double Sausage

    Double the sausage, double the satisfaction. Served with a side of crispy chips for a hearty meal.


  • Butter Croissant

    A flaky, buttery croissant with a crisp exterior and soft, delicate layers on the inside. Perfect for a light snack or breakfast treat.
  • Pain au Chocolat

    A rich, chocolate-filled pastry that's soft, flaky, and utterly indulgent. Ideal for a sweet tooth.
  • Muffin

    Choose from lemon, chocolate, or blueberry muffins, each moist, fluffy, and packed with flavour.
  • Bake Mushroom and Cheese

    A warm, savoury pastry filled with earthy mushrooms and gooey melted cheese. A comforting snack or light meal.
  • Pain aux Raisins

    A soft, spiral pastry filled with sweet raisins and a touch of custard. Perfect for a morning treat.
  • Bake Cheese

    A cheesy pastry that's warm, savoury, and filled with melted goodness.
  • Sausage Roll

    A classic sausage roll wrapped in a golden, flaky pastry. Ideal for a quick bite
  • Bake Lamb Mince

    A rich and flavorful lamb mince filling encased in flaky pastry, for those who enjoy a meat-filled snack.

Milkshakes 340ml

  • Strawberry Milkshakes 340ml

    Bursting with sweetness; using real blended strawberries to provide a ripe strawberry flavour
  • Chocolate Milkshakes 340ml

    Decadent chocolate flavour that’s sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

Soft Drinks

  • Spring Water (500ml)

    Refreshing still spring water
  • Sparkling Water (500ml)

    Crisp, effervescent sparkling water to quench your thirst
  • Coca Cola Zero (500ml)

    Enjoy the great taste of Coca Cola without the sugar
  • Fanta (500ml)

    Bright, fruity orange soda with a burst of citrus flavour
  • Sprite (500ml)

    Lemon-lime flavoured soda, cool and refreshing
  • Lucozade (500ml)

    Energy-boosting drink, perfect for a quick pick-me-up
  • Juice Burst (500ml)

    Bursting with fruity flavours for a natural and refreshing juice experience.
  • Fentimans Rose Lemonade (275ml)

    A delicate blend of rose and zesty lemonade for a floral twist


  • Single Espresso (30ml)

    A bold and intense shot of espresso, perfect for coffee purists
  • Double Espresso (60ml)

    For those needing an extra kick, a double espresso delivers twice the strength.
  • Americano (340ml)

    A smooth, full-flavoured coffee made by diluting a shot of espresso with hot water. A perfect choice if you love the taste of espresso but prefer a lighter, longer drink.
  • Cappuccino (340ml)

    A classic cappuccino, combining rich espresso with frothy steamed milk and a dusting of chocolate powder. It's the perfect balance of coffee and creamy texture.
  • Latte (340ml)

    A smooth, velvety latte with perfectly steamed milk and a rich shot of espresso. It’s a gentle, creamy coffee experience for those who like a softer touch.
  • Flat White (340ml)

    A smooth, velvety latte with perfectly steamed milk and a rich shot of espresso. It’s a gentle, creamy coffee experience for those who like a softer touch.
  • Mocha (340ml)

    The perfect blend of coffee and chocolate, combining a rich shot of espresso with silky steamed milk and decadent cocoa for a sweet, indulgent treat.
  • Chai Latte (340ml)

    A spiced and aromatic drink, blending chai tea with creamy steamed milk. Sweet, spicy, and comforting, it’s perfect for a warming treat any time of day.

Pro Coffees

  • Cappuccino (340ml)

    A classic cappuccino, combining rich espresso with frothy steamed milk and a dusting of chocolate powder. It's the perfect balance of coffee and creamy texture.
  • Flat White (340ml)

    A smooth, velvety latte with perfectly steamed milk and a rich shot of espresso. It’s a gentle, creamy coffee experience for those who like a softer touch.
  • Latte (340ml)

    A smooth, velvety latte with perfectly steamed milk and a rich shot of espresso. It’s a gentle, creamy coffee experience for those who like a softer touch.

Iced Coffees

  • Iced Americano (340ml)

    A chilled version of the classic americano, this iced coffee offers a refreshing, light coffee experience with deep espresso flavours.
  • Iced Cappuccino (340ml)

    The beloved cappuccino served over ice, combining rich espresso with cold, frothy milk for a cool, refreshing take on the classic.
  • Iced Latte (340ml)

    A smooth and creamy iced latte, made with cold milk and rich espresso for a refreshing coffee drink that's perfect for hot days.
  • Iced Mocha (340ml)

    A sweet and satisfying iced mocha, blending cold espresso with chocolate and milk over ice. It's a decadent treat with a refreshing twist.

Costadoro Coffee Specials

  • Milano (340ml)

    Caramel cream, double espresso shot, foamed milk, whipped cream, cocoa powder, and speculoos biscuit
  • Torino (340ml)

    Gianduja chocolate cream, double espresso shot, foamed milk, whipped cream, and hazelnut grains
  • Genova (340ml)

    White chocolate cream, double espresso shot, foamed milk, whipped cream, cocoa powder, and speculoos biscuit
  • Bronte (340ml)

    Pistachio cream, double espresso shot, foamed milk, whipped cream, and pistachio grains
  • Oranic Classic Chocolate (340ml)

    High-quality organic cocoa with an enveloping, delicate flavour
  • White Chocolate (340ml)

    Pleasant taste of cocoa butter and milk with a hint of brown sugar
  • Hazelnut Chocolate (340ml)

    When hazelnut marries the finest cocoa blends
  • Milk Chocolate (340ml)

    The meeting of cocoa and milk in an embrace of creaminess
  • Orange and Cinnamon Hot Chocoate (340ml)

    Orange-flavoured cocoa enriched with notes of cinnamon


A little bit about us

Are you a fan of sandwiches? If so why not take a look at the extensive range of options on the menu of RR Tasty and order your favourite combination sandwich. Pay securely and choose to collect or have it delivered. Tasty and filling every time! After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at www.just-eat.co.uk

Delivery times

07:00 - 19:00
07:00 - 19:00
07:00 - 19:00
07:00 - 19:00
07:00 - 19:00
07:00 - 19:00
Closed for delivery