Samosa Boy - Baked Not Fried

0 reviews

All Day Breakfast

  • Egg + Cheese Stuffed Pastry and Hot Drink

    Our signature flakey breakfast pastry stuffed with seasoned egg + cheese, served with a hot drink of your choice

Boxes of 4

  • Savory O.G Box

    Choice of 4 savoury samosas
  • Sweet O.G Box

    Choice of 4 sweet samosas

Meal Deals

  • Perfectly Paired Meal Deal

    Any savoury or sweet samosa with a hot drink


  • Wam Bam Lamb

    Minced BBQ lamb, red onions, green peppers, cheddar sauce and topped with sesame seeds
    £1.00 Off
  • Pizza This

    House pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, basil, diced red pepper and topped with dried basil.
    £1.00 Off
  • Couch Potato

    Spicy creamy garlic potatoes, chives and topped with cracked black pepper
    £1.00 Off
  • Chick Flick

    Peri peri chicken pieces, mozzarella cheese, coriander and topped with cracked red chilli.
    £1.00 Off


  • The Nutty Professor

    Nutella ganache filled, milk chocolate glazed, with white piping and crushed hazelnut topping.
    £1.00 Off
  • Rita Oreo

    Cookies and cream filled, white chocolate glazed, topped with crushed Oreo pieces.
    £1.00 Off
  • Taking The Biscuit

    White chocolate ganache filled with Biscoff pieces and rippled Biscoff sauce, glazed and piped with Biscoff spread, topped with crushed Biscoff pieces.
    £1.00 Off
  • Hasta La Pista

    Creamy pistachio ganache-filled, chopped pistachios, pistachio chocolate glazed, white chocolate piping, topped with crushed pistachios.
    £1.00 Off


  • Chipotle Dip 100ml

  • Mayonnaise Dip 100ml

  • Ketchup Dip 100ml

  • Hot Sauce Dip 100ml


Hot Drinks

  • Espresso 340ml

    A potent elixir of finely ground coffee beans, brewed under pressure to create a concentrated shot bursting with intense flavor and topped with a delicate crema. Its rich aroma and bold taste make it the quintessential indulgence for coffee connoisseurs worldwide.
  • Americano 340ml

    A classic coffee beverage crafted by diluting a shot of espresso with hot water, resulting in a smooth and balanced drink with a rich flavor profile. Its simplicity belies its versatility, making it a popular choice for those seeking a milder alternative to espresso without sacrificing depth of taste.
  • Latte 340ml

    A velvety blend of espresso and steamed milk, crowned with a delicate layer of foam. This creamy concoction offers a perfect balance of rich coffee flavor and silky smoothness, creating a comforting and indulgent experience with every sip.
  • Cappuccino 340ml

    A timeless Italian masterpiece, consisting of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothy milk foam. This beloved beverage captivates with its harmonious balance of bold coffee flavor, velvety texture, and airy foam topping. A symbol of elegance and indulgence, the cappuccino promises a luxurious coffee experience that is both comforting and invigorating.
  • Hot Chocolate 340ml

    A comforting and decadent beverage made from rich, velvety chocolate melted into steaming milk. With its luscious texture and indulgent flavor, hot chocolate offers a delightful escape into warmth and sweetness, making it a beloved treat for cozy evenings or chilly days.
  • Mocha 340ml

    A delightful fusion of espresso, velvety steamed milk, and decadent chocolate syrup, creating a harmonious blend of rich coffee flavor and indulgent sweetness. Topped with a dollop of creamy foam and often adorned with a sprinkle of cocoa powder, the mocha offers a luxurious and comforting experience, perfect for satisfying both coffee and chocolate cravings in one delightful sip.

Cold Drinks

  • Cans 330ml

    A choice of your favourite drink in a 330ml can.
  • Water 500ml



Friday 01 November 2024
Thursday 27 June 2024
Driver didn't read instructions, had to gub
Friday 17 May 2024
The food and customer service were amazing. The food was ready to collect quickly and was nice and hot and the staff were really friendly and helpful. One of the items on my order was out of stock and they gave me a call and gave me the option to swap it for another one.
Samosa Boy - Baked Not Fried replied
Hey Daisy! Thank you for taking the time to write us a review. It's hugely appreciated. Looking forward to seeing you in store again real soon Team SB ✌️
Thursday 02 May 2024
Lovely food as always… remember the ratings are for the food and delivery time.. The drivers are from just eat so complaints must be made to just eat not the restaurants bear that in mind when making irrelevant reviews.
Monday 29 April 2024
Amazing new flavour i think everyone will love it 🔥🔥
Monday 29 April 2024
Absolutely superb, such a nice variety of flavours with something for everyone. Particularly the dessert samosas. They shouldn't work, but they do and the pistachio is divine
Thursday 25 April 2024
Samosa Boy - Baked Not Fried replied
Hey Billie 👋 Thank you very much for leaving us a 5 star review. We're chuffed to hear you've had a great experience with us. Looking forward to serving you again very soon. Team SB ✌️
Saturday 20 April 2024
This is the place to go/order from. cleanliness And hygiene is exceptional, service is quality and to top it off they serve mouth watering, delicious, tasty, yummy samosas… the sweet samosas are now my favourite dessert/pudding
Samosa Boy - Baked Not Fried replied
Hey Andre 👋 Thank you for leaving us with an awesome review. Always look forward to serving you! Team SB ✌️
Monday 15 April 2024
Samosa Boy - Baked Not Fried replied
Legend! Thanks again for the 5 star review 💙 Team SB ✌️
Monday 08 April 2024
Order the sweet batch again because why not!
Samosa Boy - Baked Not Fried replied
Hey Sanaa! Looks like this is going to become your guilty pleasure! Always here to serve ya when you need us! Team SB ✌️

A little bit about us

Home of the Freshly Baked GOURMET Samosa! With savoury flavours like pulled peri chicken & a slow cooked BBQ lamb samosa, or our viral range of sweet samosas with flavours such as biscoff filled, oreo filled and nutella filled, experience a flavour fusion like you've never had before.

Delivery times

11:00 - 19:00
Closed for delivery
11:30 - 18:30
11:30 - 19:00
11:30 - 18:30
11:00 - 18:30
12:00 - 18:30