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  • Menu
  • Sides
  • Drinks - Soda
  • Drinks - Water
  • Drinks - Milkshakes


  • Wagyu Cheese

    Potato Bun, Seasoned Double Wagyu Beef Patty, Crispy Shallots, Grilled Onions, Pickled Cucumbers, Pickled Jalapenos, American cheese, SMSH special sauce.


  • Wagyu House

    Potato Bun, Seasoned Double Wagyu Beef Patty, Crispy Shallots, Grilled Onions, Pickled Cucumbers, Pickled Jalapeños, SMSH special sauce.


  • Vegan

    Vegan Potato Bun, Seasoned Double Beyond Meat Patties, Crispy Shallots, Grilled Onions, Pickled Cucumbers, Pickled Jalapenos, SMSH special sauce.


  • Wagyu blue cheese Smsh bn

    Double Wagyu Patties, Beef bacon, Blue cheese, Fries Onions, Pickled cucumber, truffle Mayo, BBQ sauce.



  • £1.00 Off

    Spicy Fries

    House made skin on fries with spice mix seasoning


  • £1.00 Off

    Loaded Fries

    House made skin on fries, Double Wagyu Pattie, Special Sauce and Crispy shallots.


  • £1.00 Off


    House made skin on fries



Drinks - Soda

  • Pepsi 330ml


  • Pepsi Max 330ml


  • 7up Free 330ml


  • Tango Orange Original Can 330ml

    Carbonated Orange Soft Drink with Sugar and Sweeteners.



Drinks - Water

  • Volvic Natural Mineral Water 500ml

    Natural Mineral Water


  • Highland Spring Sparkling Spring Water 8 x 500ml

    Carbonated Spring Water.



Drinks - Milkshakes

  • Chocolate Milkshake 500ml

    A classic indulgence, our creamy Chocolate Milkshake is made with rich chocolate, blended to perfection for a smooth and decadent experience. Ideal for satisfying your chocolate cravings!


  • Strawberry Milkshake 500ml

    Enjoy the sweetness of summer in a bottle. Our Strawberry Milkshake combines fresh, ripe strawberries with creamy milk for a refreshingly fruity and smooth drink


  • Raspberry Milkshake 500ml

    This creamy blend of tart raspberries and smooth milk delivers a refreshing balance of flavors.


  • Black Cherry Milkshake 500ml

    A deep and luscious blend of ripe black cherries and velvety milk, perfect for those who love bold, fruity flavors.


  • Salted Caramel Milkshake 500ml

    The ultimate sweet-and-salty treat! Our Salted Caramel Milkshake brings together rich caramel with a hint of sea salt for a perfectly balanced indulgence.


  • Banoffee Milkshake 500ml

    A delicious twist on a dessert classic, this milkshake pairs the rich flavors of banana and toffee for a creamy, satisfying drink.


  • Mint Chocolate Milkshake 500ml

    Refresh your taste buds with the cool combination of mint and chocolate. Smooth and decadent, this milkshake is a mint lover's dream,


  • Chocolate Orange Milkshake 500ml

    A zesty twist on your favorite chocolate milkshake! The rich chocolate is perfectly paired with a hint of orange for a unique and flavorful experience


  • Pistachio Milkshake 500ml

    Creamy, nutty, and full of flavor, this Pistachio Milkshake is a smooth blend of real pistachios and milk.



Wednesday 04 September 2024
This burger was amazing and they brought it in record time!
Sunday 01 September 2024
did not receive my order

A little bit about us

Perfect for anyone who can't live without a burger fix. At SMSH BN burgers are a passion - which juicy offering will you choose? With easy ordering and prompt delivery, you just need to tuck in and enjoy! After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 23:00

Business details

126 Charing Cross Road
WC2H 0LA London
We are a professional trader. Learn more about how we and Just Eat split responsibilities to consumers