Sue's Coffee

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  • Sue's Coffee Pick and Pastry Deal

    Choose your favorite coffee or tea and pair it with a fresh pastry for a perfect snack.
  • Sue's Savoury Sip Combo

    Pair a refreshing cold drink with a delicious savory treat for a satisfying meal.
  • Sue's Coffee Duo and Pastry Deal

    Perfect for a coffee break with a friend, enjoy two drinks and two pastries.
  • Sue's Savory Sip for Two

    Share a satisfying combo of cold drinks and savory treats with a companion.

Espresso Creations

  • Espresso 120ml

    A bold, rich shot of pure espresso.
  • Americano 354ml

    Smooth espresso topped with hot water for a light, balanced coffee.
  • Flat White 354ml

    Velvety micro-foam blended with espresso for a creamy coffee.
  • Latte 354ml

    Espresso combined with steamed milk and a touch of foam.
  • Cappuccino 354ml

    Espresso with steamed milk and a thick layer of frothy foam.
  • Macchiato 354ml

    A shot of espresso with a splash of foamed milk on top.
  • Cortado 354ml

    Espresso mixed with an equal amount of warm milk, for a smooth, rich taste.
  • Mocha 354ml

    Espresso blended with chocolate and steamed milk, finished with foam.

Signature Blends

  • Pistachio Latte 354ml

    Creamy latte infused with a hint of pistachio flavor.
  • Iced Mint Mocha 354ml

    Refreshing iced mocha with a touch of mint
  • Butterfly Latte 354ml

    Vibrant latte with a hint of sweetness and a colorful twist.
  • Cocoa Rouge Latte 354ml

    Smooth latte infused with rich cocoa notes.
  • Dirty Chai 354ml

    Spiced chai latte with a shot of espresso for an extra kick.
  • Dirty Matcha 354ml

    Matcha latte with a hint of espresso for a unique blend

Teas and More...

  • Hong Kong Milk Tea 354ml

    Matcha latte with a hint of espresso for a unique blend
  • Matcha Latte 354ml

    Smooth blend of matcha green tea with steamed milk.
  • Chai Latte 354ml

    Spiced tea blend with steamed milk and foam.
  • Hot Chocolate 354ml

    Rich and creamy hot chocolate for a sweet treat.
  • English Breakfast Tea 354ml

    Classic black tea with a strong, full-bodied flavor.
  • Earl Grey Tea 354ml

    Black tea infused with bergamot for a citrusy aroma.
  • Herbal Tea 354ml

    Soothing blend of chamomile, peppermint, apple, and cinnamon.

Chilled Beverages

  • Iced Frappe 354ml

    from £3.80
    Refreshing and creamy iced blended drink, available in various flavors.
  • Smoothies 354ml

    Deliciously blended fruit smoothies for a refreshing boost.

Cold Press Juice

  • Circulation 354ml

    A revitalizing blend of citrus and carrot.
  • Booster 354ml

    A mix of apple, blueberry, and grape for a natural energy boost.
  • Enhance 354ml

    Refreshing combination of apple, lime, and strawberry.
  • Detox 354ml

    Cleanse with carrot, celery, and lemon.
  • Relief 354ml

    Cooling blend of cucumber, celery, and ginger.

Food and Snacks

  • Plain Croissant

    Light, buttery, and flaky croissant.
  • Pain Au Chocolat

    Flaky pastry with rich chocolate filling.
  • Sausage Roll

    Savory roll filled with seasoned sausage.
  • Chicken and Mushroom Slice

    Pastry slice filled with tender chicken and mushrooms.
  • Spanish and Feta Strudel

    Flaky strudel stuffed with spinach and feta cheese.


A little bit about us

Bread - we all love it. For one of greatest comfort foods ever, head to the bakery of Sue's Coffee and choose from a wide array of bread based products. From the freshest filled rolls and other savouries, to delectable cakes, pastries and more. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

If you have any food allergies or sensitivities, please inform us before ordering.

Delivery times

08:30 - 17:00
08:30 - 17:00
08:30 - 17:00
08:30 - 17:00
08:30 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
Closed for delivery