The Burger Shack

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Chicken Breast

  • BBQ Loaded Panini

    Chicken breast, lettuce, tomato, jalapenos, cheese, bbq sauce, served in hot toasted panini
  • Twister

    Strips of chicken breast, lettuce, tomato, mayo, served in a tortilla wrap
  • Chicken 'n' Rice Gym Box

    Includes strips of chicken breast spice rice


  • Steak Cut Chips

    Thick-cut, crispy chips with a hearty texture.
  • Potato Wedges

    Crispy potato wedges, seasoned to perfection.
  • Spice Rice

    Flavorful rice infused with a touch of spice.
  • Corn on the Cob

    Freshly cooked corn on the cob, sweet and tender.
  • Fresh Salad

    A refreshing mix of crisp greens and vegetables.
  • Onion Rings

    Crispy battered onion rings, fried to golden perfection.


  • Perinaise

    A smooth blend of peri-peri and mayo for a tangy kick.


  • Coke 330ml

    Classic Coca-Cola, refreshing and fizzy.
  • Coke Zero 330ml

    Zero sugar, full Coca-Cola flavor.
  • Fanta Orange 330ml

    Bright and bubbly orange-flavored soda.
  • Fruit Shoot 200ml

    A fruity, refreshing drink for kids.
  • Water Sparkling 330ml

    Refreshing sparkling water with a bubbly twist.


  • Veggie Classic Burger

    A classic veggie burger with a delicious plant-based patty.
  • Panner 'n' Rice

    Grilled paneer served over flavorful spiced rice.
  • Panner Twister

    Crispy paneer wrapped in a soft tortilla with fresh veggies and sauce.

Gourmet Burgers

  • British

    from £6.20
    Burger sauce, american mustard and beef patty
  • Rancho

    from £6.20
    Hickory bbq sauce, american mustard and beef patty
  • Nacho Macho

    from £6.20
    Ketchup, crushed tortilla, chips, jalepenos, guacamole and beef patty
  • The Burger Shack Signature

    from £6.20
    Chicken breast, turkey rashers, cream cheese, beef patty and in house special sauce
  • Falafel

    from £6.20
    American mustard, cream cheese, ketchup and falafel patty
  • Shack Stack Meal

    4oz Burger, Fries, and a Drink
  • Big Shack Attack

    8oz Burger, Fries, and a Drink

Classic Hot Dog

  • Classic Hot Dog

    Fried onion, ketchup and american mustard

Classic Shakes

  • Vanilla 354ml

    Smooth and creamy vanilla-flavored milkshake.
  • Banana 354ml

    A rich and creamy banana-flavored milkshake.

Premium Shakes

  • Ferrero Rocher 354ml

    Ferrero Rocher Milkshake is a luxurious and indulgent treat that combines the rich flavors of chocolate and hazelnuts into a creamy, decadent beverage
  • Nutella 354ml

    Nutella Milkshake is a rich and indulgent beverage that combines the delicious flavors of creamy Nutella with the smoothness of ice cream and milk.
  • Kinder Bueno 354ml

    The Kinder Bueno Milkshake is a deliciously indulgent treat that combines the rich flavors of Kinder Bueno chocolate bars with creamy ice cream and milk.
  • Kinder Bueno White 354ml

    The Kinder Bueno White Milkshake is a delectable twist on the classic chocolate version, featuring the smooth and creamy flavors of Kinder Bueno White chocolate bars.
  • Snikers 354ml

    The Snickers Milkshake is a decadent and satisfying dessert drink that combines the delicious flavors of Snickers candy bars with creamy ice cream and milk.
  • Twix 354ml

    The Twix Milkshake is a delightful treat that combines the classic flavors of Twix candy bars with creamy ice cream and milk.
  • Reeses Peanult Butter 354ml

    Indulge in the Reese's Peanut Butter Milkshake, a decadent blend that brings together the creamy richness of vanilla ice cream and the irresistible flavor of peanut butter.
  • Mars 354ml

    Indulge in the rich and creamy Mars Milkshake, a decadent blend that brings together the iconic flavors of Mars chocolate bars.
  • Bounty 354ml

    Indulge in the tropical flavors of the Bounty Milkshake, a delightful treat that combines the rich taste of chocolate with the creamy goodness of coconut.
  • Bounty Dark 354ml

    Indulge in the rich and decadent flavors of the Dark Bounty Milkshake, a luxurious treat that combines the deep, intense taste of dark chocolate with the creamy goodness of coconut. This exquisite milkshake features a blend of velvety dark chocolate ice cream and Dark Bounty chocolate bars, creating a sumptuous texture that’s both indulgent and satisfying.
  • M&M Yellow Peanut 354ml

    Treat yourself to the delightful M&M Yellow Peanut Milkshake, a creamy and indulgent concoction that celebrates the classic flavors of peanut and chocolate. This milkshake blends rich vanilla ice cream with smooth peanut butter and a generous handful of crunchy yellow peanut M&M’s, creating a delightful mix of textures and tastes.
  • Smarties 354ml

    Indulge in the delightful Smarties Milkshake, a creamy and colorful blend that captures the joy of your favorite candy. This whimsical milkshake combines rich vanilla ice cream with milk and a generous handful of Smarties, infusing it with vibrant colors and a sweet, chocolatey crunch.
  • Maltesers 354ml

  • Kit Kat Chunky 354ml

  • Wispa 354ml

  • Picnic 354ml

  • Jaffa Cake 354ml

  • Millions 354ml

  • Million Apple 354ml


Grilled Peri Peri Chicken

  • Tenderly Marinated to Satisfy

    from £4.95
    Grilled Peri Peri Chicken is a mouthwatering dish featuring tender, juicy chicken marinated in a spicy and flavorful peri peri sauce, made from a blend of chili peppers, garlic, lemon, and other aromatic spices. The chicken is grilled to perfection, resulting in a deliciously smoky and charred exterior while retaining its succulent interior.
  • Chicken Wings

    from £6.20
    Peri Peri Chicken Wings are a delectable appetizer or main dish featuring crispy chicken wings marinated in a zesty peri peri sauce, known for its fiery flavor profile. The sauce typically combines chili peppers, garlic, lemon juice, and a mix of spices, creating a perfect balance of heat and tanginess.

Platters that Matter

  • Meaty Feeling

    1 whole chicken, 8 wings, 8 strips, 6 dips


Saturday 23 November 2024

A little bit about us

Perfect for anyone who can't live without a burger fix. At The Burger Shack burgers are a passion - which juicy offering will you choose? With easy ordering and prompt delivery, you just need to tuck in and enjoy! After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00