Twirling Spoon

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  • Bircher Muesli

    A swirl of creamy oats, kissed by juicy fruits and crunchy nuts, like a morning masterpiece in a bowl. A nutritious way to start your day on a colourful note.
  • Croque Monsieur

    A French classic with a British flair – layers of melty cheese and ham tucked between golden toasted bread. Every bite is an embrace of rich, warm flavours.
  • Salmon and Cheese Bagel

    Velvety smoked salmon meets smooth cream cheese in a freshly baked bagel, as vibrant as a sunrise over London’s skyline.
  • Cinamon Roll

    Soft, pillowy dough swirled with cinnamon and drizzled with icing, this roll is a sweet symphony of warmth and spice.


  • Chocolate Crepe

    A canvas of delicate crepes, generously drizzled with rich chocolate. Each bite feels like an indulgent daydream.
  • Lemon and Sugar Crepe

    The perfect balance of sweet and tangy – this zesty lemon-sugar crepe is as refreshing as a sunny day in Hyde Park.
  • Lotus Biscoff Crepe

    Silky crepes meet the irresistible crunch and caramel notes of Lotus Biscoff, a sweet creation you won’t want to share.
  • Strawberry and Cream Crepe

    Juicy strawberries and luscious whipped cream, folded into delicate crepes – a romantic dessert bursting with fresh flavours.


  • Lotus Biscoff Waffle

    Crispy yet tender waffles smothered in the caramel goodness of Lotus Biscoff – a crunchy, creamy masterpiece.
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  • Smarties Waffle

    A playful explosion of colourful Smarties atop a golden waffle, as joyful and bright as an artist’s palette.
    Buy 1 get 1 free
  • Fresh Berries and Cream Waffle

    A vibrant arrangement of fresh berries nestled on a soft waffle, crowned with a cloud of whipped cream – nature’s most beautiful colours, ready to be devoured.
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  • Chocolate Waffle

    Drizzled in melted chocolate and perfectly crisp on the outside – every forkful is a celebration of all things cocoa.
    Buy 1 get 1 free
  • Strawberry and Cream Waffle

    Sweet, juicy strawberries paired with airy whipped cream on a freshly made waffle, like an edible love letter.
    Buy 1 get 1 free

Cookie Dough

  • Lotus Biscoff Cookie Dough

    Warm, gooey cookie dough with pockets of Lotus Biscoff spread – the ultimate indulgence for those with a sweet tooth.
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  • Chocolate Cookie Dough

    Pure chocolate bliss – soft, melty dough bursting with chunks of decadent chocolate, perfect for sharing... or not.
    Buy 1 get 1 free
  • Oreo Cookie Dough

    A match made in dessert heaven – creamy Oreo pieces baked into soft, warm cookie dough that melts in your mouth.
    Buy 1 get 1 free


  • Chocolate Sundae

    A towering delight of creamy ice cream draped in chocolate sauce and topped with indulgent chunks of chocolate. The ultimate treat.
  • Strawberry Sundae

    A fruity burst of strawberries swirled with velvety ice cream and topped with fresh fruit – a sundae that’s as sweet as summer.


  • Chocolate Chip Cookie

    A classic made with love – chewy, warm, and filled with gooey chocolate chunks in every bite.
  • Smarties Cookie

    Bright and fun, this colourful cookie is dotted with crunchy Smarties, making every bite a party.
  • White Chocolate Cookie

    Smooth, creamy white chocolate meets golden, chewy cookie dough – pure bliss for those who love the lighter side of sweet.


  • School Cake

    Delicious vanilla sponge school cake
  • School Cake With Whipped cream

    Delicious vanilla sponge school cake With whipped cream
  • School Cake With Custard

    Delicious vanilla sponge school cake with equally delicious custard

Bubble Tea

  • Sweet Passion Bubble Tea 473ml

    Tropical flavours of passionfruit burst with each sip, dancing around the chewy boba pearls for a truly refreshing experience.
  • Chapman Boba 473ml

    A uniquely vibrant Nigerian blend of citrus and bitters paired with the joyful pop of boba – both zesty and satisfying.
  • Milk Bubble Tea 473ml

    Smooth, creamy, and comforting, this classic milk tea is like a warm hug in a glass, but with playful boba pearls.
  • Cinnamon Roll Boba Tea 473ml

    Imagine sipping on a cinnamon roll – this comforting tea blends warm spices with the playful texture of boba pearls.
  • Lychee Boba Tea 473ml

    A delicate, floral escape, where sweet lychee pairs with chewy boba pearls for a refreshing drink that transports you to a tropical paradise.
  • Mango Boba Tea 473ml

    Juicy, sun-ripened mango in every sip, complemented by the fun chew of boba pearls – a vibrant burst of sunshine.
  • Strawberry Boba Tea 473ml

    Sweet strawberries blended into a refreshing tea with boba, making each sip feel like a joyful strawberry patch on a summer day.


  • Oreo Milkshake 473ml

    A velvety, ice-cold treat blending creamy vanilla with crunchy Oreo bits, each sip a swirl of nostalgia and indulgence.
  • Strawberry Milkshake 473ml

    Fresh, juicy strawberries blended into a smooth milkshake that’s both refreshing and luxuriously creamy.
  • Vanilla Milkshake 473ml

    A classic never goes out of style – this rich vanilla shake is simplicity at its finest, with every sip pure and delightful.

Hot Drinks

  • Latte 473ml

    Smooth, creamy espresso mingled with steamed milk, creating a perfect balance for a gentle, comforting start to your day.
  • Americano 473ml

    Bold and robust, this espresso-based drink is as strong and straightforward as a crisp London morning.
  • Cappuccino 473ml

    A foamy masterpiece – rich espresso crowned with a thick layer of frothy milk, like a cloud floating above your coffee cup.
  • Espresso (Double) 120ml

    For those who like it strong – this double shot of espresso packs a powerful punch, fueling your creativity and energy.
  • Espresso (Single) 120ml

    Bold and bright, a single espresso shot is a quick hit of smooth intensity to keep you going.
  • Flat White 473ml

    A velvety coffee with a beautiful balance of espresso and steamed milk, as rich in texture as it is in flavour.
  • Hot Chocolate 473ml

    Decadent, rich, and irresistibly creamy, this hot chocolate wraps you in warmth with every luxurious sip.
  • Tea 473ml

    Comforting and classic, our range of teas will keep you feeling cosy and refreshed, whether you’re after a bold breakfast blend or a soothing herbal infusion.

Soft Drinks

  • Apple Juice 250ml

    A crisp, refreshing glass of pure apple goodness – fresh from the orchard to your cup.
  • Capri Sun Orange 200ml

    A nostalgic favourite – zesty orange in a fun and convenient pouch.
  • Diet Coke 330ml

    A bubbly, light and refreshing way to enjoy the classic cola taste with fewer calories.
  • Fanta Orange 330ml

    Bright, citrusy, and full of zest – a fizzy treat that’s sure to refresh and excite your taste buds.
  • Orange Juice 250ml

    Fresh-squeezed, vibrant orange juice – like a burst of sunshine in every glass.
  • Sprite 330ml

    Crisp, clean, and perfectly fizzy – the refreshing burst of lemon-lime goodness you crave.
  • Water 500ml

    Cool, clean, and refreshing – pure hydration to quench your thirst.


  • Vanilla Ice Cream (2 Scoops)

    Creamy, rich, and wonderfully indulgent – our vanilla ice cream is the perfect sweet sidekick for any dessert.


A little bit about us

Are you one of those people who prefer desserts to starters? Then Twirling Spoon is the ideal choice for you, as they offer a vast array of desserts on their menu. Go on treat yourself. After you have eaten, we'd love to get your feedback on our food and service at

Delivery times

12:00 - 20:00
Closed for delivery
13:00 - 20:00
12:00 - 20:00
14:00 - 18:00
Closed for delivery
12:00 - 20:00